
Global warming?? come on people!?

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let me make something clear: global warming is a NATURAL process. humans have nearly nothing to do with it, and its not gonna change.

heres where i stand: Im not gonna make my whole life energy efficient just because some enviornment people tell me to. last time i checked, most "energy efficient" things cost more money, not less (except ethanol, and a few other exceptions). example1. at home depot today, energy efficient lightbulbs are like 2 bucks more than a normal one! that sucks d*cks. also, my garbage company charges me to recycle. i dont think so. recycle bin rental is 20 more bucks a month here. RIP OFF.

also, here where i am, today the high temp was almost 50, when the average is almost 70, but the world is warming up?? Right...




  1. Wow!

    I've know that we were all being ripped off by this farce but $20.00 a month for a recycle bin really does 'Take the Cake'!

    That is not only a major rip off it is complete lunacy!

    The sad part is that there are plenty of fools who will be more than happy to spend that kind of money because they believe that they are doing their part to 'Save Our Planet'!!!!!!!

    These people deserve to be ripped off for their arrogance and stupidity!

    Why should everyone have to suffer for the beliefs of a few vocal morons?

    I could go on, but I don't think it will help make these people change in any way at all.

    We are still waiting for it to warm up here in the UK also.

    These fools do not follow or understand science, but believe that the 'Church of Al Gore' is the one true faith!

    I now you aren't interested in any links, but the other day I found a short video which is sarcastic, entertaining, and really points out how stupid this whole 'earth day' thing was!

    If nothing else it should bring a smile to your face.

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


  2. So then, what's the question knucklehead?

  3. If you need an answer from real science copy this into you browser address line. You will be amazed by how science can be wrong!

  4. I love your "question".  There is a UTube Vid called the Global Warming Hoax and has very respectable and principled scientists like Micheal Calder poo poo the Neoludite-like carbon footprint people and at the same time agreeing that warming is taking place.  Like you they don't believe humans caused it but instead look to inter-galactic cosmic radiation to explain how clouds form and how this is mediated by solar wind and it's related partner sun spots.  These create a direct immediate relationship to earth climate whereas carbon dioxide is a side product that hasn't the same responsive "r value".  The vid is more interesting than me and has no jargon.  The medival warming period was rich and good.  They grew grapes in Scotland - Polar Bears survived this time and we find that the PB drownings are a hoax.  

    Still peak oil is a fact that will come sooner probably than later.  The gas savings of a new car versus an old one have been a fake because of the energy requirement of making new things.  The 2 bucks more for florecent bulbs is worth thinking about though.  1000 watts for an hour cost probably 6 to 8 cents.  I like 60 watt bulbs.  20 watt "savings"  for a florecent 100 "watt" ( really lument equivilent)  so 1000/20 is 50 hours to earn 8 cents and $2.00/8 is 25 hours so 25X5O is 1250 hours for the marginal diff to pay for the flourecents plus no one cares how many joules or watts it take to make a bulb.  Wow.  Your right!

    Cardbord does compost and mulch well if boiled in water for and hour or two my guess is it is cheaper than peat moss.

  5. Stop being a looser.  You just want to accept the theory that makes you feel good about wasting energy and not changing a single thing.  I know there is no point trying to educate a person like you as you will never change.

    Global warming WAS a natural process.  Even if you were right, those that try to conserve power aren't hurting anyone. Laugh if you want.  We will all laugh at you.

  6. energy efficant lightbulbs last years & are rather cheap at Sam's club & most energy efficant prodocts pay for themselves on your utility bills.

    lf your OK with your self absorbed entitled existance who am I to say a thing....

    Its not that we will all live on a tropical climate but weather patterns will become more unpredictable & in fact the east coast U.S. has been predicted to have colder stronger winters as climate change takes hold. as well as productive farming being  less attaniable, so I hope your entiteled sense of self comes from wealth because you may not be able to afford food otherwise.

  7. Don't forget in the seventies We had the Global cooling scare

    as far as the government studies go.... when has the government done anything without waisting money and s******g it up further.  i know that's just an anecdotal statement but its true.

    besides this all comes down to another way to tax and control people.  open your eyes.

    The world has gone through many cycles of cold and hot climate changes we were not here to cause the others.

    This would be happening even if the earth was not populated by us.

    so go out and keep your environment clean but don't be fooled into giving up your rights.

    by the way you burn  ethanol faster than regular gas so you fill up more.  

    if the government was into protecting the world we would be using sugarcane or switch grass for gas rather than corn.

    why corn?  money and politics and power .  that's whats is all about. and don't forget it.


  8. what is all this fuss of hug a tree when America and china are the biggest polluters in the world,.......once long time ago the the north pole and south pole was lush with vegetation let life do its cycle we are not god and cannot change what has been done or what will be done in future let nature do its course.switch off  all the oil well flames and let the earth breath..............

  9. You must live near me, because this is one of the coldest winters and springs in years.

    What I don't understand is why we're not worried more about the pollution of our lakes and rivers.  And what about the ozone?

    These are problems that we know we are contributing to, yet we do nothing about it.  It's rather doubtful that Global Warming is caused by CO2.  However we're spending tons of money on programs to stop CO2 emmissions.

    p.s.  Volcanoes, the ocean, animals, and decaying vegetation all put off SEPERATELY more CO2 than man and his inventions.  So why are we the cause of it?

  10. I agree with you meangtr7, but we do effect global warming. We do not have a bigger impact than the earth's natural cycles, but we do effect it some. Yes, the world is warming up now. It will eventually decrease down. I would not worry about the earth having huge environmental changes like ice capes melting, mass flooding, etc. It just wont happen, until lots and lots of years to come.

  11. The Global warming is cause by co2 (carbon dioxide)and human

       When the sun shine the co2 will keeps heat. The tree gets the co2 and give us oxygen. We cuts down many trees everyday. So there will not be enough tree to get the carbon dioxide.

  12. Bull,

    There is no scientific proof that man is causing the temperature of the earth to rise because of CO2. In fact, temperature drives CO2 not the otherway around. Why has the latest cooling trend made the alarmist's computer models worthless?

    Why won't the Alarmist's debate, and why are politicians lying about bible scripture to make their claim?

    This is a hoax and the sheople are starting to realize it!

  13. Global warming is real. A 5 dollar CFL can save you 5 bucks a year over a 2.5 dollar incandesent bulb. The process could be perceived as natural but the time scale is unnatural. The earth has done this before but over thousands and thousands of years. Not 150 years.

  14. It better hurry up im getting cold

  15. actually i think those lightbulbs are not only energy efficient, but they stay out of the landfills

    aka they last a lot longer & since you dont have to replace them for awhile you save money

    not to mention they are a lot brighter

  16. someone understands what im saying...

    global warming IS A  NATURAL process...

    the government and all are trying to get more money...even the Bush Administration has at least admitted it is not against action on climate change (just that it opposes the Kyoto Protocol), it is spending money on research and technology.

    so they might have took advantage of global warming to effect people, make them believe that they are to blame to let them care about the environment.

    "We have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we may have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest."Stephen Schneider (leading advocate of the global warming theory)

    so global warming is real and is a natural process but the human effect on it is almost deniable.

    even the most aggressive and costly proposals for limiting industrial carbon dioxide emissions would have a negligible effect on global climate!

  17. Until your house go under the water...

  18. I agree that global warming is not the crisis they are making it to be. As for conserving, it's a personal and as you can deal. Such as hanging a clothesline if you have a backyard and let the dryer sit for the summer. 8 buck lightbulbs are not better then 2 buck lightbulbs. we stopped the recycle bin rental charge and bought a bucket to put cans in. We take them up ourselves and that helps. If you can, great. It all helps and most of the time helps your wallet as well. Enjoy each day as it comes to you, whether it be rainy or sunny. Global warming is a hoax and always has been but we can do better with what we have.

    Much like organic foods are more costly. there isn't much difference otherwise. Common sense needs to prevail and it seems that whatever most people are told, it's gospel.

    Each has a mind, if we all used it ..things might get better.

  19. Yes you are right it is all natural nature takes care of itself and what we are seeing is natural shifts which the world has always had.

    As for the Tree huggers well don't get me started.!

    Recycling is all about making money trust me I see it first hand day in day out.

  20. The scientific data proves it's real, and mostly caused by us.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

    Here are two summaries of the mountain of peer reviewed data that convinced Admiral Truly and the vast majority of the scientific community, short and long.

    summarized at:

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  21. On the subject of low-energy light bulbs - they should not be allowed to go into landfills anyway, as they contain small amounts of mercury (but multiply that by millions). Incandescent or fluorescent? I know which I'd choose.

    I am all for recycling, reducing packaging and cleaning up after ourselves but I agree, most of this, almost religious, global warming malarkey is designed to keep us emptying our pockets in favour of the governments.

  22. I understand your point that global warming is a natural process which usually causes changes in the climate on Earth but we must not be blind to the fact with human interference it has accelerated the process to a speed which has not been seen. Regardless whether it is a natural process or not the point is clear we are going through a major change of Earths atmosphere and to be irresponsible and attempt no change is a pompous attitude to take.

  23. why not authority and the Govt.?

  24. OK LISTEN UP. What if the world IS naturally warming up? It is possible, right? So what happens if, in ten years or so, the world is a lot warmer? If humans have NOTHING to do with it? I'll tell you what will happen:

    -The ice burgs will melt, beaches will disappear, people WILL die.

    -Picture hurricane Katrina ON EVERY BEACH IN AMERICA.

    -In all the chaos people will have no power in there homes, or food.

    -Because people were too lazy to recycle trash will pile up.

    -Because people were too cheap to spend a few extra bucks on an energy efficient light bulb, energy will be scarce.

    -Pollution will be so bad that we will not be able to breathe.

    So do you get it? If a heated world is our fate, then at least we could have a clean one. With food and energy.

    It is impossible to know if global warming is happing or not. Does it really matter? No. We need to take care of our Earth anyway.

    Do you plan to have kids? Do you have a close friend with kids? Imagine their fate if something is not done. They might not survive.

    Money will be the least of your problems in the future if pollution is not under control.

    Get it now?

  25. I see everyones point on this environmentalist or not. I see the environmentalist point on the issue and some of it makes since. I just dont care. I would rather just do whatever is convenient for me if it happens to be envirinmentally frendly GREAT if not thats ok to

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