
Global warming contributing to severe weather?

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For a school project, i have to find out why global warming is making hurricanes stronger and why it's making downpours heavier. I have no idea at all why that is. can anyone tell me?




  1. Unfortunately your teacher assigned you an oxymoron.  Stronger hurricanes are caused by warm oceans.  Warm oceans are cyclical therefore so are hurricanes.  No one knows the average temp of the oceans.  They have never been measured, except during World War 2 and the records were not kept.  Your teacher is another example of an uninformed, easily mislead person.

  2. Global warming reduces the intensity of most storms.  Cyclones over water are driven by the temperature differential between the air and the water, with a greater differential producing a more powerful storm.  This is because a hurricane is essentially a heat engine, and all heat engines produce more power when the difference between the hot and cold side increases.  Historically the most active hurricane seasons have most often been associated with cooler weather.

  3. global warming is an increase in the earth's average temperature, thus causing more severe hurricaines and tornados,

    now what causes these increases in temperature, greenhouse gases that trap the suns heat, warming the ocean's temperature and melting the polar ice caps!

    What is hgappening to this world, I dont know, humans are so inconsierate, I care and you should too! we have to stop cutting down trees and neglecting, i dont but neither should you!


  5. Can you send it a memo,  were setting record lows around here in Michigan.

  6. is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans.

    Global Warming is making that our planet get hoter every day and every night! If we continued with the contamination our home (the planet) will have alot of earthquakes and more naturals disasters! We cant cut the trees !!

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