
Global warming/cooling question?

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The greenhouse effect is essential in order to keep Eath at a suitable temperature for all living organisms to survie. Certain gases in the atmosphere(like carbon dioxide) trap heat from the sun. Without those gases, the heat will bounce back into space. But now that there is a hole in the ozone layer, should'nt earth be cooler? But instead, why is there global warming?




  1. Carbon dioxide is also necessary for photosynthesis, without it there would be no plants, hence no food. all the oxygen in our atmosphere comes as a byproduct of photosynthesis, so there would be nothing for us to breathe either.

    Global climate is a result of the interaction between biological, geological, meteorological and cosmological factors. Carbon dioxide does have an effect, but it is only one factor in many, and certainly not the main driving force as the political activists would have you believe.

    We have now had ten years of cooling or stable weather

    This has happened despite the continued increase in the use of fossil fuels, and indicates that the role of carbon dioxide has been considerably over estimated for political and financial reasons

  2. I see your point of view perfectly. I actually thought this first as well, I mean, outer space is cold, right?!? But, the facts are, the heat pouring down on the earth is greater than that of the cool coming in, so, slowly but steadily (and at an increasing rate) the earth increases in terperature.

    Hope this helps!

    ~Pie Guy 360

  3. ok first the hole in the ozone lets more uv rays onto our planet it does not actually let heat escape. and the reason its getting hotter is because we are putting more and more carbon dioxide and monoxide into the atmosphere everyday causing it to get hotter

    i hope that answers you question!    

  4. The ozone layer protects us from the deadly rays from the sun.

    Now we just get hit by all these rays that years before, barely got to us.

  5. well the holes in the atmoshper actually let light in of course and wont let it back out and earths different colors attract the suns light so it just stays here and gets warmer,warmer and warmer

  6. basicly what you have said is correct. ozone along with carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. so because there is now less ozone in some places over the earth it will have a cooling effect.

    but the earth is warming because this cooling effect is much smaller then the warming effect of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses.

    this pict shows the effect that damage to stratospheric ozone (the small blue bar third from the left) is having but this is much smaller then other effects.

  7. the ozone has nothing to do with GW.  WATER is the most abundant green house gas, no not clouds be clouds are not water in gas phase.  Water make up 100 times the greenhouse gas than CO2.  Methane is 310 times more power full of a greenhouse gas than CO2.  Methane gets into the atmosphere from decay of plants, from f***s, and seeps from the earth.

    Mans CO2 addition is nothing compared to water, natural O2 and natural methane.

  8. look it happens so because

    ozone holes are big so they let in large amounts of uv radiations from the sun which dominates the cooling effect and so warming is caused

  9. I call it liberal hot air warming

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