
Global warming debate?

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were can i find an actual scripted debate between believers and skeptics?

i mean one that has like

skeptic- blah blah blah

believer- blah blah blah

please help!





  1. This debate is so politically fueled that it is d**n near impossible to find both sides going after each other. Instead of working together to reveal the truth its just a bunch of politically funded scientists who say what they're paid to say. Al Gore is a crock!

  2. This site comes pretty close.  It lists 26 arguments that have been raised against man made global warming, and the scientific reasons why they're wrong.

    By the way, I also believe the scientists, and not the politicians.  EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

  3. I love your question!!  You are getting a star from me!!

  4. Google - political debate issues. You'll be surprised what you'll find.

  5. As for debunking the rhetoric, here's one source:

    Note that there is very little debate in the science however.  There have not been virtually no peer-reviewed skeptical papers published in any scientific journal:

    The consensus was quantified in a Science study by Prof. Naomi Oreskes (Dec. 2004) in which she surveyed 928 scientific journal articles that matched the search [global climate change] at the ISI Web of Science. Of these, according to Oreskes, 75% agreed with the consensus view (either implicitly or explicitly), 25% took no stand one way or the other, and none rejected the consensus.

    So the appearance of a debate is a fraud.  Their alleged existance is a PR scam on the part of oil and coal companies, who have hired former tobacco industry lobbyists to run a disinformation campaign:

    Slamming the Climate Skeptic Scam

    "Few PR offences have been so obvious, so successful and so despicable as the attack on the scientific certainty of climate change.

    One major funding source:

    Exxposing ExxonMobil's Agenda: Manipulating Politics and the Public

    Television and cable networks gladly run fake science to increase controversy and keep their ratings and income high:

    At Fox News, a Pundit for Hire

    "Objective viewers long ago realized that Fox News has a political agenda. But, when a pundit promotes this agenda while on the take from corporations that benefit from it, then Fox News has gone one disturbing step further"

    The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, documents how the media supports the false appearance of controversy on the topic of global warming:

    Creating controversy where science finds consensus

    "A new study has found that when it comes to U.S. media coverage of global warming , superficial balance—telling "both" sides of the story—can actually be a form of informational bias."

    Media False Balancing Allowed Extreme Views to be Treated Same as Scientific Consensus

  6. im not sure try messege boards online and stuff that may help. my opinion on global warming is a conspiracy to push the "green" companys further into the market making it seem like we need their products. Scientists say its not real and only politicians are saying it is real. i would beleive the scientists before the politicians anyday.

  7. I don't believe your link fits the definition of debate Bob....

    Here is exactly what you are looking for , but i warn you, scientific debate tends to be kinda boring and without a PHD.... at times hard to understand

  8. go to google and search myths about global warming
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