
Global warming.. doesnt it benifit humans if it was true?

by Guest56233  |  earlier

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if it did form a ice age, we can just warm everything back up!




  1. no, the chances of an ice age would be at least 1000:1 against. the main problem will be the loss of fresh water and fertile land.

  2. The easiest way to combat global warming is a nuclear winter, I guess.

  3. this stage of global warming is not going to cause an iceage it is heating and melting everything. the ice bergs in teh arctic are melting. this causes the melted water to go into oceans and lakes which rise. and slowly will expand onto the land. and eventually (an extreamely long way away) cause mass flooding on the coasts!

  4. Well it IS true that Global Warming DOES benefit Humans

    AND plants AND animals too. That's great! Right?

    Earth's warming is a SLOW process but it is preferred over global cooling (you can't grow much food in frozen climates - not a good thing)

    And here's a concept for environmentalist...

    People may actually need LESS fuel to burn to keep warm

    "if" the earth temperatures keep getting warmer.

  5. Actually, earth is on the peak of warmest temperature in 30 years and for next 30 yaesr, temperature will be keep decreasing.

  6. possible, if there were not so many humans located on the coast (2 billion).

  7. As a science graduate that just did a course on this topic, the answer is a resounding no. Yes the earth has previously gone through cycles of glaciation and 'warmer' periods, but the VAST majority of climate scientists now agree that our current climatic changes are not a part of this natural cycle. Usually the temperature increases/decreases naturally over 10's of thousands of years. It is all happening a lot faster than that now, due to unnatural levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

    One of the less publicised consequences of global warming is not only any average increase in global temperature, but an increase in extreme weather coupled with a decrease in the predictability of weather. This means

    a) more cyclones/droughts/blizzards etc.

    b) farming will be much more difficult as the weather becomes more erratic and extreme. This means possible issues with global food supply.

    Also, the rapid nature of this climate change means plants and animals may not have time to adapt genetically to changing conditions. This is believed to cause future extinctions. And we just don't know what impact that will have on human beings.

    Hope that helps.

  8. Global warming is a farce and a scam being forced on the general world population. So just forget about it. The truth will be known very soon and all these falsehoods and misrepresentations will disappear.

  9. Like everything else, it will help some and hurt others. The earth cycels between ice or glacial periods and interglacial periods which we are at the peak of now. If you want to see a very good description of what causes this sycle go to you will see that we are about at the peak fo this cycle. This site is by NASA. NOAA the National Ocianographic and Atmospheric Administration also has a greeat site on this at When I have asked the NASA folks when we actually turn the corner to a decreasing rate of solar insolation it seems that we have already done so. Which means that at some time in the near future (near in geologic terms.. which could be another 100 years or so) this will start to cool rapidly and we will yearn for th egood old days of global warming.

    12,000 years ago, where i am in Seattle was under 3,500 feet of solid ice. Then it started to get warmer and the ice melted. Thank God for global warming that started 12,000 years ago before there were cars or industry. AT that time the sea level was 250 feet lower than today.

    Hope this helped


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