
Global warming going bananas?

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Bananas are a fruit found in so many households in the west today, that they are taken for granted. The amount of fuel it takes to ship bananas from warmer countries to Europe and North America is immense and,as bananas are a luxury and not an essential, also unneccessary. One possible way to lessen the impact of global warming is to start eating more locally produced food..but it would also mean giving up some of our favorite snacks(like bananas).

SO, my question is (symbolically), would you be willing to give up bananas to lessen the impact of global warming?




  1. There's more to this banana thing than meets the eye!

  2. I don't know.  This will leave most of the deniers with nothing to eat.

  3. Actually, weirdly, it may be more energy-efficient to eat bananas which are shipped by energy-efficient ships across the ocean and delivered to a coastal city -- than to eat "local" beef which is shipped from fifty miles away by truck.

  4. Like always, Ben O hit it squarely on the head. Some immensely poor countries (like Jamaica) and people rely solely (or close to) on banana sales for survival. So if you wish to condemn banana farmers and their families to death or further poverty, stop all banana imports.

  5. keep shipping bananas

    stick global warming where the sun doesnt shine.

  6. It would seriously limit my diet to corn, wheat, cherries, apples... soy, pumpkin?  That's most of it. :(

  7. Well I dont think we should eliminate it completely!  rather I think we should just limit ourselves on the number of bananas we can eat.  I think a great way of limiting our consumption of bananas is through increase in price by requiring only fair trade bananas to be sold, that way there will be a reduction in demand for bananas, the farmers will receive a far better wage, and we will appreciate the banana more and the work it needs to be grown and sent to us.

  8. Never! Great source of potasium and great taste too!!

  9. Aleviating poverty in countries that produce bananas is more important that preventing anthroprogenic global warming.

    Poverty is real, AGW is highly speculative.

  10. Locally produced food. Okay, first, how local? Down the street? Within the same state? Region? Country? because if I really wanted to lessen the impact of global warming, i should just grow a garden in my backyard and raise cattle as my food. No I do not think that is the proper route, nor do I think that is necessarily the issue with global warming, seeing as though everything is produced out of the United States in some way.

    The way you can lessen the impact of global warming is everyone being conscious of their carbon footprint and willingness to lower it in feasible ways: walking to work when its nearby, carpooling, switching to more fuel efficient cars, flying less often, turning off all electronics not be used (like alarm clocks), turning off the lights, using the air conditioner as less as possible in the most useful ways. Not attacking a perfectly healthy diet!!! Malnutrition is not the solution to global warming, nor is it hopefully what most advocates would want.

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