
Global warming has stopped. What's going on?

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The fact is that the global temperature of 2007 is statistically the same as every year since 2001. Global warming has, temporarily or permanently, ceased. Temperatures across the world are NOT increasing as they should according to the fundamental theory – the greenhouse effect. Something else is happening, perhaps similar to the GLOBAL COOLING observed between 1940 and 1978.The period 1980-98 was one of rapid warming – a temperature increase of about 0.5 degrees C (CO2 rose from 340ppm to 370ppm). But since then the global temperature has been flat (whilst the CO2 has relentlessly risen from 370ppm to 380ppm). This means that the global temperature today is about 0.3 deg less than it would have been had the rapid increase continued.

For the past decade the world has NOT warmed. Global warming has stopped. It’s an observational fact. *** From article in the by David Whitehouse, Ph.D. in astrophysics




  1. Global Warming was a scam by Gore and never did exist.the apparent increase in CO2 would depend a lot in who was doing the measurement. GW it is very difficult to envision how to get a good Global temperature. Do they measure every 100 sq miles. Or do they think they can just use the temperature of the major cities. I got news there are many more cities in the warm zone than the cold zone.

  2. Your statistics may show a temporary halt to global temperature rise. But global warming is to be seen as an average effect over several decades or over a century. Scientists are of opinion that this warming is still on. The effects of global warming, e.g. the melting of polar ice sheets, and drastic changes in the climate in various parts of the globe are indications of continuing global warming.

  3. Using your logic, temperature increase has stopped many times over the last century on it's steady upward trend to where it is today. Every time global temp stopped increasing or went slightly down over a few years time it went back up even more.

  4. Do some scientists really think that it is over?  I can't belive that there is someone who thinks that it is over. The problem is enormous and Americans, Italians (i'm italian) and a lot of other  people are lose-interested. You shouldn't think that the Earth will survive for a a century...oh no, maybe the Earth will survive, but it's not the same for humanity.

    I'm very scared and demoralized.

    It is disgusting.

    Excuse me for the orrible english...( i've never studied it very well)

  5. Mid-July in the US and we have not had a single day of 100 temps in St. Louis. In fact, ite been rather cool and quite rainy this year.

  6. It is the sun, and NOT MANKIND, that is the primary cause of our global temperature fluctuations.

    Another issue always addressed in this category is Polar Ice Caps.   While the North Pole has been seeing a decrease in Polar Ice extent (even though the North Pole sea ice is at a greater extent already than the same time last year), the South Pole has the largest area of Ice ever recorded and the core ice thickness is increasing very quickly.  This is partially due to the shifting of the tilt of our poles.

  7. First off, your claim that global warming has stopped directly conflicts with the temperature data.  See here:;...

    It's true that the rate of warming has slowed, due to a strong La Nina cycle.  It's a short-term weather variation.  Climate scientists have predicted that the rate will accelerate once again after 2009.

  8. First off. Global Warming doesn't mean Global "Warming"   the term Global Warming is used to scare people to make a difference.  What it should be called is Global "Climate Change"  Because it refers to the actual problem. Wich is the fast change in the climate, that causes natural disasters like Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Etc.

  9. Well, I for one hope you're  right ! I can barely go outside where I live in Florida!But,what about the polar ice caps melting as far as I know they still are .have you heard that they have stopped melting?

  10. dont be mean to be rude or anything but FYI global warming hasnt stopped!!! its still going on!!! havent you heard about the ice melting in antartica? and that the polar bears are swimming in the water and they dont have any other place to be in due to global warming? the planet will be warming little by little. u might not see the effects but they are going on right now in some places!!! then the hurricane season has started out early and its going to last longer, the weather is crazy!!!  so global warming hasnt stopped at all!!! i hope i answered ur question!!! =D

  11. Based on the average temperatures for the last hundred years your statistics don't work, this is the same as the lame theory that temperatures since 1998 have been falling, if you use the warmest year on record as your starting point then it loading the dice for a particular argument and quite bad maths as well.

    The 100y record shows a number of cold periods over that time, all passed, and temperatures have continued to increase.

  12. just because it's called global warming, it doesn't mean that it's getting warmer every where. some places are getting hotter and some places are getting cooler, basically, it's spontaneous weather.

  13. Whatever you want to call it, whatever the fashionable name for it is this year, it's a scam, and even the "scientists" know it, or they should, because even a layman like myself can observe the cyclical processes that occur in the weather and know that no Armageddon event is going to occur. Now, I'm about to get a ton of thumbs down from people who have a vested interest in scaring the c**p out of us and don't want us to think rationally about the situation.

  14. Dixiebelle can't go outside in Florida in mid-July - it's too hot out.

    No WAY.   Really?     In Florida in July it's too hot to go outside?

    That NEVER used to happen.


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