
Global warming hoax, truth or revalation?

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Is global warming a hoax? Maybe it's true...Maybe it's part of the Revolations come true!? I don't personally believe in Global warming, but I see how people are dupped into believing it. People have asked on Yahoo, including me, for you to tell what YOU see in your own part of the world that makes you belive in GW, but everyone answers with ..."Scientist so-and-so" says we see this and that" and expert "such -n-such" says we see it here in the polar caps or elsewhwere you've never been. So let me pose this question once again...What do YOU see that makes GW real. And let me add this...Doesn't the Bible say that man will love the creation more then he creator. I believe that's one of the signs of the end of the world.




  1. The evidence of GW is all around us - see for examples wherever you live.

    For me, it is how early birds arrive and start mating, how early the flowers are blooming, how late the leaves stay on the trees and how late the birds stay before migrating.

    Where I spent much of the last year the most visible evidence of global warming were the large number of corpses - of people, camels, sheep, etc.

    However, this isn't really the point - man is meant to be smarter than this. You should never wait until something bad has happened to do something about it; you try and figure out what's happening and do something before the bad thing happens.

    Smart people:

    Stop smoking before they get lung cancer

    Start exercising before the heart attack

    Take anti-cholestorol medication before the stroke

    Put a parachute on before jumping out of the plane

    Buy insurance before the fire starts

    Cut back on burning fossil fuels before coastal regions flood...

  2. AGW is not real. I can offer first hand evidence, verifiable by anyone.

          Notice that clear nights cool off rapidly, but cloudy or humid nights do not. If you believe in AGW, go outside on a clear winter night, or a night in the desert, experience for yourself how effective CO2 is at holding in the heat.

        lets be careful about destroying our economy over an idiotic hypothesis.

  3. I see major scientific organizations like AAAS, NAS, and NASA saying that global warming is real and it's a threat.  That's why I think it's real.  I'm not a scientist, I don't pretend to be, so I let the experts do their job, and I trust them because it is their expertise.  That is why I think global warming is real.

    "The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society. Accumulating data from across the globe reveal a wide array of effects: rapidly melting glaciers, destabilization of major ice sheets, increases in extreme weather, rising sea level, shifts in species ranges, and more. The pace of change and the evidence of harm have increased markedly over the last five years. The time to control greenhouse gas emissions is now."

    AAAS Board Statement on Climate Change

  4. I see people will carve pieces of wood and ride waves near the shore.....  Darn, that has already happened...

    I see flying machines capable of carrying more people than a bus.... Oh c**p.

    I see clouds forming and rain coming down....  better

    I see forest fires that have been occurring for centuries and will continue...

    I see it getting hot in the summer and cold in the winter....  

    Wow, I am pretty good!!!  Can I get a little grant money over here?

  5. its true.. stop being a douche bag

  6. Global warming hoax is just that, a hoax!

  7. I see historical photos/paintings/reports of people on horseback in winter going from Westchester County, NY to Long Island, NY over the ice bound Long Island Sound.

    Also pictures of train tracks, and horse & carrage races across the ice bound Hudson River (Westchester to Rockland Counties).  All way before my first memories in the early 1950's.  I never saw either the river or the sound so full of thick enough ice to drive across them.

  8. It's true that the climate has changed in the past. But, what is different now is that it has never changed at this rate. We are experiencing climate change at a rate that has never happened. And you can't convince me it's just nature doing that. Man is helping that along. And if we take more care, maybe we can slow it down a little.

  9. Global warming is real and those who try to deny it are.. basically living in denial.

    It IS caused by humans. There's so much - so very much - scientific data that puts the blame squarely at our activities on the world.

    It doesn't take any great intelligence to come to the conclusion once shown basic education and just observing the world around you, and along with proven study from thousands of scientists globally, it hits the message home. It does take an ignorant person to deny the fact, hence the ignorance inherant in such denial.

    Reading the news today: 1/3 of the world's coral species is under threat of extinction. That's an incredible inpact on the planet and something we can't reverse once it happens. Deforestation, Co2 emissions, exponential population growth using more and more resources plus thinning of the ozone layer, these all add to more heat and carbon in the atmosphere with less and less of it being taken away.

    Things are coming to a head and it's only just begun. I really don't want it to happen but with plain objectivity and understanding it's easy to see things are only going to get much worse before they start getting better.

    Long story short: it's better to prepare for the worst and nothing happen than prepare for nothing and the worst happen (in a global sense).

  10. Global warming is completely false!!!  For example in the 1970's there was panic about a "new ice age".  Look how that turned out.  Now there is a supposed "global warming".  In 30 years we have gone from freezing the polar bears to melting them.  I personally think that the polar bears are really laughing at our behaivor.  And the hottest years on record the 1930's (look it up) not the 90's.  

    Conclusion----Global warming is FALSE!!!!

    P.S. and remember VOTE REPUBLICAN

  11. I see migration patterns of birds becoming completely out of whack..I see birds nesting at the wrong time or year due to confusion due to warmer weather, or not nesting at all due to warm weather and drought and no food availability.  I also see chicks starve to death in nests due to lack of food.  (hot weather= drought= no water = no insects)

  12. TRUTH!

    Spokane WA is under MARTIAL LAW!  There are wildfires from Colville WA to Lewiston ID!  Record high winds have knocked down major transmission towers and started 100's of out of control fires!  


  13. There is plenty of web research published by scientists specializing in the earths climate to all agree with one element.......I happen to agree with much of it.  Why......because I look logic and common sense as my guide vs. a slanted view of save the planet at the cost of creating homeless to some and financial devastation to others.

    1. Going back some 60,000 years, the earth has experience a major shift in global warming about every 10,000 years. The planet then cools itself and life would go back to normal. Guess what???? No humans were alive during much of this period. And when homo sapiens did occupy the planet, I think it's "LOGICAL" to assume that while hunting dear and cooking around the camp fire did very little to cause any global warming cycle they may have experienced.

    2. When factering in geothermal activity, the earths compass, tidal patterns and weather pathology......not much man can do to cause or prevent any planetary warming.

    3. My favorite............recent science studies ( do your own web search ) going back to 1940 until 2000.......the earths temperature is actually 3 degrees less than it was 60 years ago.

    Put the Bible green peace on the back burner......tell the eco freaks to take a long hard breath........the greenies need to view the planet with cold "objective" history..........and what's left.........the answers.

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