
Global warming hoax?

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Now that the founder of Greenpeace had joined the founder of the Weather Channel in calling man-made global warming a hoax, do you think this nonsense is finally discredited?




  1. Actually we are all caught in a bind on this one.  I do not believe in man-caused global warming but would like to see it succeed because it would help curtail the use of fossil fuel.

    This would give us a cleaner environment but more importantly it would release us from the grip of the fossil fuel industry.  Right now we are at their mercy and they evidently have no mercy.  

    Just maybe, I pray, that the fossil fuel era is close to the beginning of winding down.  There are some hopeful signs that this is the case.  We do not have to eliminate fossil fuels we just need to allow other alternatives their rightful share of the marketplace.  

    There are perhaps dozens of ways to push a vehicle around and they should be allowed to exist.

    I am just afraid that the "oil boys" will drop the price when they need to and undermine the development of these alternative technologies.  They will then continue to be "King of the Hill" and we will have less in our lives.

  2. I think it is all a load of bullshit - to change our ways so we spend more and we can be charged more for things...Yes I believe it is a mega hoax

    Tell me - 15 years back did we need bottled water in plastic bottles.....Think about it

  3. I note in your question, you specify man-made global warming is a hoax.

    Well done, there.

    Some people, including some others answering your question, seem to keep missing that point.

    Anyway, while I agree that man-made global warming is a hoax, I don't see it being fully discredited in the minds of the general population.  Most of them believe only what the mainstream media tell them, and that is always going to be whatever the latest piece of Leftist propaganda happens to be.  Most of the general public wouldn't know a test tube from a separation funnel, and aren't even remotely qualified to judge the merit of a scientific theory.

    But, I long as there is money to be made scaring people into buying carbon credits, there will always be a man-made global warming hoax.  To the average eco-freak, this is just another case of "my mind is already made up, don't confuse me with the facts", and anything that doesn't agree with what they already believe will be dismissed as corporate propaganda, or some other such term.

    Besides, without this gig, our old Buddy Algore is just another slow-witted and washed-up politician.  Where's the love, dude?

  4. You should read more carefully what Patrick Moore said. He said he is not convinced that global warming is caused by human factors. He is not saying that global warming is a hoax. There is no doubt that global warming is occurring. The debate is about how much of it is caused by humans and how bad it will be. Some people (Al Gore etc) think it is all caused by humans and its effects will be all bad. Others think it is not caused by humans, or only partially caused by humans and that the effects will be mild.

    There are very few people who think it is a hoax, which suggests that huge numbers of scientists and climatologists are being deliberately dishonest.

    Whatever your opinion about global warming, it is still a good idea to decrease our usage of fossil fuels, which are limited, and look for sustainable and long term energy sources. Moore is now advocating nuclear energy, as clean, safe and sustainable.

  5. No you know that but i think the effects will be more minor that what alot of activists would have you believe ie warmer weather but not all out destruction of the earth.
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