
Global warming - how can i get involved in making a difference etc

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it annoys me how people can be so ignorant about it all... i wanna do somthing about it and change people's views on it and their ways




  1. It's simple stop driving and stop consuming so much. It is simple and easy and everyone should do it. Too a lot of people it sounds hard but for many many many years before cars we got around just fine.

  2. There are many ways to get involved in making a difference to global warming.

    At home you can change your lifestyle, recycling more, cutting down on fuel, checking shopping, switching to less powerful lights and more efficient white goods, checking house for insulation, etc.  Change travel plans, walk more, cycle, dont use your car unless you have too, do not use air-travel unless you have too and if you do offset carbon with plant a tree or other green projects.

    There are plenty of action groups around if you want to go further, locally check with your council who also have targets to meet and normally have action groups set up which will quite often be looking for volunteers to help out, the local Green Party will also be looking for help or will have a list of projects which you could help in.  Nationally there is even more scope, with different action groups which you can join.

    Internationally there are a few areas which you can help in that are not very well advertised, there are websites that will point you in the correct direction, things like having a program run on your PC whilst you work that helps with computer calculations and projections to universities that are checking models for warming for instance.

    There are plenty of ways to increase peoples knowledge, even if it is only your friends and family.

    Good luck on your efforts

  3. Please start with this, put some (let's say 5) plannts or tree seeds in the ground and water them till grow up, then move each one in separate small vesel, gave it to friend as gift and here you go,you become our partener.    

  4. The best way to get involved is to do something about your own actions.    Pretty much everyone can improve on what they do themselves.     Do that before worrying about others.

  5. There are small small things and changes you can include in your daily routine which will go on to make a big difference.

    Like dfon't ever thrwo waste outsode.....and shout and scream at people who do so.

    Slap them if required.

    Repair your car....and spread the message.

  6. Recycle =]

    Also turn off electrical plugs when not in use

    watch less tv and go out instead

    O YH Turn tap off when your brush your teeth

  7. yes, spread the word! and show by example.

    you can do it alone, but its better with help and a network.

    assuming you in u.k.

    transition town network;

  8. It annoys you how people can be so ignorant about what? The ignorance is on the side of those who believe that it's been found that humans are causing global warming. There has not been a single piece of evidence to prove, in any way, that "fact" that so many have come to believe.

    Should you try and convince people to live cleaner, more efficient lives? Yes! By all means. I support cleaning the air and environment of pollutants and waste and making it a better place for everyone to live, but don't do it under the pretense of this fictional climatological boogey man. Do it for the sole purpose of making our earth a healthier and prettier place to live.

  9. Hi, im an environmentalist, and i really do care for nature  too. The best thing i can suggest to you is that, spreading your knowledge on that matter. Tell it to the closest people with you. Your, friends,relatives etc. Educating people is the Best way that you can do. You can also join environmental ngos' like greenpeace international. You can log on at You can get a lot of tips there, truly! :D


  10. First of all, you need to realize that 'man-did-it' global warming is a religion and NOT scientific fact.  It was created and marketed by a group whose mouthpiece is divinity student..... Al Gore.

    If you really want to make a difference in something, then head up a local litter campaign.  That way, when Gore & Co. are driving their Limos and SUV's down the street to the airport to jump on their private jets, there won't be paper blowing all over the place.

  11. Well before I saw the rest of your question I was gonna say, edicate yourself. That's the first step. Y'see, that way, you know what makes a difference and what doesn't.. and you can actually change peoples' minds by telling them interesting facts.. as opposed to just nagging at them with "you should recycle" and "you should car pool".  

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