
Global warming in france?

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what does france in general think of the global warming, and other enviermental situations. does it oppose, or help or what?




  1. While our coal fired plants are belching smoke in the air France leads the world in nuclear power plants.  They started with an American Westinghouse design and never looked back.  Nuke plants do not pollute the air although there is a small amount of radioactive waste produced.  There have been great leaps in battery effeciency from phones to cars.  However, if you plug in your car and your power comes from dirty coal, what have you accomplished?  Gas from corn is a bad idea that is only a fact because Iowa has the second presidential primary and they grow most of our corn. France and all of Europe are in a state of decline due to being overrun with muslims whose only talent appears to be reproducing in prodigious number.

  2. France is for, while most industriliazed country's are against (U.S.) included. no one wants to give up the money,ect of the present system. big bucks at a bigger price.

  3. Who honestly cares what the French. They are a spineless people.

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