
Global warming is BULL, agree or disagree?

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They say switching to a Hybrid vehicle can save the enviornment....Oh please. 1 NATURAL volcano produces the same emmisions as would 25 years of driving in the United States. What in the world would getting a hybrid vehicle do?...Please tell me Do you beleive Global Warming can be Stopped or not?




  1. I believe that humans are not impacting the environment.  Sure, there is localized smog in big cities, but that is not runing the earth.

    Put it in perspective - Industrialized Europe, and the industrial portion of the United States (mostly the eastern seaboard) are the largest contributors to pollution.  How long have they been industrialized?  Not long.  How much of the planet do they occupy?  Not much.  How in the heck can they, in the last 100 years, have produced so much c**p as to have crippleed the earth?  It can't happen.  It would be like saying that one person smoking a pack of cigarettes at one end of the mall is impacting the environment to the point that everyone in the mall is at risk of dying from cancer.  Nuts.

  2. One person with one hybrid would not make much of a difference if a significant portion of the world 6.6 billion population drove hybrid's instead of less efficient model's it would then make a tremendous difference.

    The same analogy can be applied to voting. How is one vote going to make a difference? It's not. But when all put together they become quite powerful.

    Not only this but one person can influence another person behavior.  It's like a log that is on fire. You put another log that is not on fire next to one that is one fire then it too begins to burn at the same resonance.

    In short global warming is no bull but in fact what it says it is, global warming.

  3. Well, GW does happen, but it isn't really the result of human action, though we don't exactly help the situation.  The Earth goes through cycles of heating up, then cooling off...right now we're heating up...

    Man likes to over-inflate his effect on his surroundings...some kind of ego thing I suppose...

  4. The notion of catastrophic man made global warming is bull.

    Dr. David Deming (University of Oklahoma)

    “ Around 1996, I became aware of how corrupt and ideologically driven current climate research can be. A major researcher working in the area of climate change confided in me that the factual record needed to be altered so that people would become alarmed over global warming. He said, "We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period."

  5. Hybrid cars are not going to have any effect when it comes to climate change but whilst driving in a city they will produce less pollution. If run correctly.

    Most Hybrid cars run predominatly on the petrol engine, how else are they going to charge the battery (only toyota allow you car to be plugged into the house, which would reduce the greenhouse gasses produced). A hybrid car doesn't even get better mileage than some other cars. The toyota Prius gets 65.7 combined and produces 104gKM of CO2. The VW Polo Blue gets 70.6 MPGs and produces 104gKM of CO2. The Citreon C1 gets 68.9 MPGs and produces 109gKM of CO2.

  6. You're wrong about the volcano.  It would take several thousand volcanos erupting for around 2000 years to accomplish what humans have accomplished  in the last 100 in terms of the production of Greenhouse gases, particularly CO2, that have caused the Global Warming.  That's based on the geologic records of mass extinctions.  Saying that is just one of those Internet things, like the 40 pound cat.

    Yes I believe it can be stopped if the American government stops lying to the people long enough to do it  (only a short hiatus).  The hybrids made in America are planned to fail.  They are way overpriced, perform poorly, and have many design flaws built in.  If you really want a hybrid, Japan makes a decent one you can but at a price that's no more ridiculous than what we are being charged for the gas burners.

    The answer for most  of the American consumers (around 80%) is electric vehicles, at least for the next 50 years or so.

    There is quite a bit of information in these two links.

  7. Global warming is a fact, but we don't create global warming, it is a natural phenomenon, although we might help its process a bit though...

    And driving cleaner cars can't hurt, at least for the air we breathe

  8. It can be argued that it is just part of the earths cycle an has happened millions of years ago. After this there could be an ice age so i don't know!!!!!!!!! It may not be stopable!!!! Scary thought!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Historically, volcanoes have induced cooling, Einstein. You going to sit around and wait for the volcano to erupt?

  10. I agree with you.

  11. No, but I think it can be postponed. Then again, we're all going to die someday. It's pointless to go against the forces of nature.

  12. Sigh! The same old misinformation used again.

    Volcanoes do NOT emit even close to what humans emit of CO2 (which is our main problem here). If you really are interested in the truth, I'll even help you with a link:

    So, I strongly disagree with your statement!

  13. I always love this subject....

    Very interesting about the volcano comparison.

    My question has always been...

    Why did we allow ourselves aspeople to put the "Mars land rover" on mars. When I was growing up, mars was a frozen planet. 1 litte vehichle and BAM the ice turned to water. It could not be from solar flares as so say because the planet earth is not effected by it, so a planet further away from the sun could not be effected by it either.

    When I was growing up, there was the fear of GLOBAL COOLING. The coal we are burning is creating a shield between the ground and the sun making the planet cooler. Now I must admit I was a much younger pup back then.I in dog years it was 93 years ago. In human that would be 20 years ago.

    Just imagine...

    I'm 35, in my life I have suffered with Global Cooling, Global warming, and now since the words have been changed around climate change, I can only assume that translates to global cooling again.

    Mix in a little ozone layer, lets tax the p**s out of that old r12 freon killing us (indirectly), and acid rain that might take the paint off our cars, and that gives you the last 35 long years of life.

    There is research out there that ice is FORMING. I don't have the time to babysit the idiot box, however one would think the media repoted this right? Oh yeh that would not support the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS going twatds global warning.

    I can only imagine what a person that lives 100 years can remember...

    They might say, "Hey Al Gore, why is that time line of yours going up at a steady pace with the industrial revolution. I remember a time when the cars ran on steam and the factories consisted of a lot less buildings. I never wrote down how many buildings there were, but I think back the there were less, yes MUCH less. Oh yea if I am remembering the cars as not to run on steam, I think, OH yea there were much less cars back then."

    Although I do belive in global warming, as the example of the volcano, I don't belive we can do anything about it as this "Problem" has turned into a 2 billoin dollar industry, oops I mean research.

    It's too bad people forget even though freedom of speach is slowly being stripped from us, at least freedom or thought will never go away.

  14. Well xD...

    i think its coming if we like it or not but i agree, other things are worse than us like volcanos.

    Like planes, they polute the same ammount as sumut like 200 cars =/

    So whats the point in us have a rubbish looking car with helps the planet when things like Planes arnt ? xD

  15. hmmmm i didin't know that....Interesting! 1 star, is that fact real or what?...

  16. Where were you guys a few weeks ago when I was telling everybody that man made global warming is a bunch of BS?  You guys need to spread the word because now, religious nut cases like Pat Robertson and what's his name?  Sharpton...  Yea, they are both in this ridiculous game....  Great question!!!!  I have a hybrid, not because of global warming but because I am tired of paying so much at the pump.  But thanks to these environmental dirtbags, they have justified gas companies raising prices for so long.  They now make a summer blend... more money...  They put a worthless and less efficient 10 percent ethanol in our gas.... more money....  They haven't built a new refinery in this country since the seventies because of those environmentalist nut jobs.... more money.  Now, they are crying about fossil fuels adding to the atmosphere, yet say no to nuclear power.... more money...  These environmental nut jobs have cost us far more than ALL WARS COMBINED!!!!!

  17. Yes it's a religion not a science.

  18. I dont think it can be stopped, I think it is a natural cycle of the earth.  Otherwise, the world would still be covered with glaciers.

    In 10000 years, we will all be freaking out over the global freezing problem.

  19. I disagree with you. Global warming is real and we are primarily to blame.

    As for the Hybrid, no YOU won't stop it by driving a Prius. In fact if we ALL bought and drove them then things would be even worse. The Prius is a step in the right direction, but it's FAR from perfect.

    Positive change has to come from everyone and everything simultaneously. Power generation & use; agriculture; transport; forestry; etc.... Everything.

    By the way I have the firm feeling I'm not getting selected on this question... But that's okay ;O)

  20. The most thoroughly reviewed scientific document in the history of science can hardly be called bull.

    If you don't understand this, then you have no clue how science works.

    "It's easy to refute all the contrarian arguments but that seems to have very little effect on how commonly they are believed. Refuted arguments seem to live on in the public imagination."

    Michael Tobis Ph.D. - University of Texas Institute for Geophysics

    "Climate change sceptics sometimes claim that many leading scientists question climate change. Well, it all depends on what you mean by "many" and "leading". For instance, in April 2006, 60 "leading scientists" signed a letter urging Canada's new prime minister to review his country's commitment to the Kyoto protocol."

    "This appears to be the biggest recent list of sceptics. Yet many, if not most, of the 60 signatories are not actively engaged in studying climate change: some are not scientists at all and at least 15 are retired.

    Compare that with the dozens of statements on climate change from various scientific organisations around the world representing tens of thousands of scientists, the consensus position represented by the IPCC reports and the 11,000 signatories to a petition condemning the Bush administration's stance on climate science."

    "The fact is that there is an overwhelming consensus in the scientific community about global warming and its causes. There are some exceptions, but the number of sceptics is getting smaller rather than growing.

    Even the position of perhaps the most respected sceptic, Richard Lindzen of MIT, is not that far off the mainstream: he does not deny it is happening but thinks future warming will not be nearly as great as most predict."

    "Of course, just because most scientists think something is true does not necessarily mean they are right. But the reason they think the way they do is because of the vast and growing body of evidence. A study in 2004 looked at the abstracts of nearly 1000 scientific papers containing the term "global climate change" published in the previous decade. Not one rejected the consensus position. One critic promptly claimed this study was wrong – but later quietly withdrew the claim."

    Great site enumerating and quoting all the support for the IPCC.  

    Skeptic argument  the IPCC exagerates

    Skeptic argument

    "Global warming and natural climate change in the past.    Earth's climate has changed long before we were pouring CO2 into the atmosphere. Europe was far warmer in the Middle Ages. During the 17th and 18th century, it was much colder, prompting the ‘The Little Ice Age’, when the Thames was frozen over months at a time. Further back, there were times when the Earth was several degrees hotter than current temperatures. Warming of several degrees often took only centuries or decades."

    What the science says:

    "The usual drivers of natural climate change have shown little to no warming trend since the 70's.

    It's a well established fact that climate changes naturally and sometimes dramatically. The pertinent question isn't "has climate changed in the past?" (of course it has) but "what is causing global warming now?" To begin to answer that, it's helpful to look at the major causes of natural climate change in the past."

    Solar activity

    "Solar variations have been the major driver of climate change over the past 10,000 years. When sunspot activity was low during the Maunder Minimum in the 1600's or the Dalton Minimum in the 1800's, the earth went through 'Little Ice Ages'. Similarly, solar activity was higher during the Medieval Warm Period."

    "However, the correlation between solar activity and global temperatures ended around 1975. At that point, temperatures started rising while solar activity stayed level. This led a team of scientists from Finland and Germany to conclude "during these last 30 years the solar total irradiance, solar UV irradiance and cosmic ray flux has not shown any significant secular trend, so that at least this most recent warming episode must have another source."

    Milankovitch cycles

    "Earth's climate undergoes 120,000 year cycles of ice ages broken by short warm periods called interglacials. The cycle is driven by Milankovitch cycles. Long term changes in the Earth's orbit trigger an initial warming which warms the oceans and melts ice sheets - this releases CO2. The extra CO2 in the atmosphere causes further warming leading to interglacials ending the ice ages."

    For the past 12,000 years, we've been in an interglacial. The current trend of the Milankovitch cycle is a gradual cooling down towards an ice age."


    "Volcanic eruptions spew sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere which has a cooling effect on global temperatures. These aerosols reflect incoming sunlight, causing a 'global dimming' effect. Usually, the cooling effect lasts several years until the aerosols are washed out of the atmosphere. In the case of large eruptions or a succession of eruptions such as in the early 1800's, the cooling effect can last several decades. Strong volcanic activity exacerbated the Little Ice Age in the 1800's."

    "The usual suspects in natural climate change - solar variations, volcanoes, Milankovitch cycles - are all conspicuous in their absence over the past 3 decades of warming. This doesn't mean by itself that CO2 is the main cause of current global warming - you don't prove anthropogenic warming by eliminating all other options. But the causes of the commonly cited climate changes in the past are understood and have played little to no part in the current warming trend."  

    Skeptical Science

    Plug in Hybrids would give the average American driver 100mpg overall.  The cost of charging the battery overnight would be $1, which would provide about 40 miles of gasoline free commuting.

    Yes global warming can be abated, at least enough to avoid the most serious consequences.

    A Blueprint For U.S. Energy Security

    Humans emit 100 to 150 times as much CO2 as volcanoes.   and volcanoes emit aerosols like SO2 and particulates that block sunlight and have a cooling effect.  

    "The global warming is a hoax believers don't understand the difference between informed opinion, uninformed opinion, misinformed opinion and totally ignorant opinions."  

    from comments at

    posted by LeeAnnG

    "Scientific skepticism is a healthy thing. Scientists should always challenge themselves to expand their knowledge, improve their understanding and refine their theories. Yet this isn't what happens in global warming skepticism. Skeptics vigorously criticise any evidence that supports anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and yet eagerly, even blindly embrace any argument, op-ed piece, blog, study or 15 year old that refutes AGW"

    "There's a better scientific consensus on this [climate change] than on any issue I know - except maybe Newton's second law of dynamics".

    Dr. James Baker - NOAA

  21. its a scam to collect future taxes (carbon tax).

  22. Did you all know, how much CO2 is being sent to upper atmosphere from human civilization on the entire planet? 3% ! The rest comes from volcanoes, plants, oceans, animals sun exposure etc. and it's on constant level at all the time.

    People think they can influence Earth's atmosphere! Pffrr..! What a bunch of B S!

    Look at recent earthquakes in South-east Asia, how powerful mother nature is, and how tiny and weak human beings are. We can be glad we still live here.

    There is no global warming and never will be, our planet is way TOO big and has its own unique character to be influenced.

    Stop listening to the propaganda.

    You think switching to Osram bulbs will save the planet? Will turning washing to 30°C save the planet? Will far*ing cause more CO2 emission as in the South Park episode? Oh my god... how ridiculous !

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