
Global warming is a crisis?

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i think glogal warming is real but most people in my grade think it is a myth and it is a un serouis issue but i think the complete opposite of that can people please voice there oppinion on this topic to me it is vwry impportant to me that you do thank you




  1. Global warming began as early in the late 60's. It scares me that the earth's climate over the past couple of years has changed drastically.

    Hurricanes have gotten worst and so has weather pattern changes. Alaska has already melted and so is Antarctica.

    All I do is start with saving the world by conserving energy now. It may not be a dent, but at least I'm contributing to saving the planet a little at a time. I just wish everybody would think the same way too.

  2. Sea levels would rise

    Cities on coasts would flood.

    There would be more droughts making it hard to grow crops.

    Some plants and animals might become extinct because of the heat

    Hurricanes, tornadoes and other storms which are caused by changes in heat and water evaporation may get more common

    Less water would be available for drinking, showers and swimming pools

    I think i would say that this is a bit of a crisis!

  3. Global warming, and cooling, are real but essentially natural events on the Earth.  There are periods where the global average temperatures rises, followed by periods of cooling.  The big debate is how much, if any, is caused by us.  I don't think that can ever be proven.  Our models of the atmosphere are inherently flawed and cannot incorporate every single factor that goes into climate with a high amount of accuracy.  In fact, the average global temperature has been on a general decline since 1998, which few if any of the models predicted.  This is not surprising and not necessarily conspiratory, but simply bears out the shortcomings of current atmospheric modeling.

  4. What do they think of the other scientists - who are arguing with the Global Warming scientists - about Global Cooling?

  5. i think things will be back to normal to 20 years or so, its a trend

  6. it''s not. It says in the bible that God will keep the earth @ the same sort of climate untill he comes back during the apocolipse. so don't freak God ALLWAYS keeps his promises! =)

  7. I don't believe in global warming but in the Island effect.

  8. of course it's a problem.  easily the worst ever faced by humanity.  global warming is something of a misnomer however.  in some places it's getting colder.  a better term is global climate change.  it's not reverseable at this point.  we (and all the other animals) simply need to adapt. I could go on and on but I have other questions to answer.

    closest thing we can do to solve it is eliminate carbon waste IE alternative energy

  9. global warming is real!

    Definition of Global Warming:  Gradual increase in the earth's surface temperature.

    Popular usage definition:  Warming caused by human activity.

    Technical term for this:  Anthropogenic global warming.

    Definition of Greenhouse Gas:  A gas, like CO2, which traps the sun's heat.

    watch 'an inconvenient truth' !

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