
Global warming is a pradox that couses floods and droughts,explain how this happens?

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Global warming is a pradox that couses floods and droughts,explain how this happens?




  1. It's no longer called Global Warming but is now known as Climate Change. Because *everything* is caused by Climate Change, there is no way to disprove it.

    Hotter this year than last? Yep, classic sign of Climate Change. Cooler? That's another sure sign. Wetter, drier, windier, or calmer conditions that have all been, at one time or another, attributed to Climate Change.

  2. Global warming causes everything bad in the world. It causes melting glaciers, growing glaciers, warmer weather, cooler weather, pot holes in the road, car accidents, bad hair days, and much more. When will the tragedy end?

  3. The Earth has the same amount of water it has always had but the increase in overall temperature makes the rain fall in different places than we are used to. Some get more some get less.

  4. Just once I would like to hear an alarmist with some critical thinking.  They are so wedded to their "we are all going to die" scenario that they can't see such an obvious ruse.  American prosperity is going to cause deserts to get drier, wet places to get wetter, warm places to get warmer and cold places to get warmer (and that is the one they fret about most which is informative).  They cannot admit to any potential benefits which I am confident most 2nd graders (those who haven't been indoctrinated yet) could come up with some.  Alarmist admitting there might be some real benefits to CO2 is like getting a 7th Day Adventists to admit real benefits from Satan.

  5. how is this a paradox? more water will evaporate into the atmosphere causing more rainfall and storms near the ocean. it can dry out soil. take world geography and you'll understand why this might happen in some places.  

  6. Basically, hotter temperatures means more evaporation and more water vapor in the atmosphere.  This means clouds form more quickly and release precipitation more quickly.  This means rain patterns shift such that some places get more rain (close to where the clouds form), and other places get less rain (and also snow).  Thus some places flood, other places face droughts.

  7. Changing temperatures will cause weather PATTERNS to change.

    Some areas that already get a lot of rain will get more, causing floods.  Others that already barely get enough will get less, causing droughts.

    Will some areas "win" by getting a better amount of rain?  Sure.  But our agriculture, irrigation systems, and flood control systems are designed for current conditions.  Global warming will chnange those  lot, and that's bad (and very expensive) news.

  8. You may or may not have noticed but we have always had floods and droughts, its a natural process. Effects such as El Nino cause much of the extreme weather patterns and do the ocean currents, trade winds, etc...

    The global temperature is likely to have some kind of input into this, but it wont result in more flooding or droughts, it will merely causes changes to the patterns.

    If it warms up there is a theory that the atmosphere can hold more water and of course in areas there will be increased evaporation to feed this. The extra energy stored in the atmosphere due to the increased moisture will lead to more short sharp tropical style storms and less periods of light drizzly rain that lasts over several days.

    More short sharp storms will result in less annual rainfall and drier soil conditions. The dryness of the soil is one of the key factors that results in flooding, if the soil is dry it can absorb more rain than soil that is saturated.

    The impact of this is with shorter sharper storms there will be more flash floods or localised nuisance flooding, but less of the large scale floods that occur in winter triggered by saturated soils and prolonged  rainfall.

    So all that will happen is the nature of flooding will change, this may well result in less damage and loss of life. Some research I did a few years ago showed that over the last 50 years there has been a small reduction in large river floods in the UK as global temps rose which fits.

    As for droughts, this is caused when the sea currents change phases , changes in predominant wind direction or the monsson belt moves, this is controlled by many factors we dont understand but the earths temperature gradient between the equator and the poles may be an important factor of this. But for every drought someone gets a wetter year and a better harvest.

    One well known meteological theory is that the temperature gradient betweens the poles drives extreme weather, under a global warming theory this gradient is reduced reducing resulted in less extreme weather.

    It should also be noted that in 1975 when scientists predicted global cooling and a new ice age they predicted the same extreme weather. It appears that if the temperature varies either way we are doomed according to the scientists and the media!

    Unfortunetly most of this is scare tactics to try and shock people into action, and the media seeking ever more dramtic stories. The benefits of global warming are never reported even though they often out weight the downsides for the better part. If it gets warmer less people die from the cold - why dont we ever hear about that?

    It should also be noted that clouds are an import part of the climate system, they either offer shade (cooling) or leave us exposed to the sun, clouds are not triggered by evaporation  but sub atomic particles that bombard the earth from space, these form creation sites for water particles, obviously if there is more moisture than there are more water particles, but if there is a lack of sub atomic particles (i.e the sun is more active) there will be less clouds even though there is more moisture. This just demonstrates how complex the system and how we have little chance of accurelty predicting the behaviour of a system chaotic in nature.

  9. ~ Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans.

    1. Green house gases (eg.Carbon dioxide) causes earth to trap heat that would normally escape into the outer space, the more the greenhouse gas the more the heat.

    2. CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) are chemical compounds that break down our earth's ozone layer which absorbs 93-99% of the sun's high frequency ultraviolet light, which is potentially damaging to life on earth, including humans (skin cancer etc.)

    3. As a result of 1. & 2. the earth's temperature rises and receives more radiation.  In turn, this causes ice at the poles melt, increases the water level around the world (flooding), changes the climate (El Nino/ La Nina etc.) changes in agricultural yields, modifications of trade routes, glacier retreat, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors.

    4. Ice absorbs heat and this keeps earth's temperature normal; if temperature at the poles increases, the ice cannot afford to lose a degree more as it would melt. Therefore it is a cycle. CFCs & greenhouse gas cause temp. to rise, ice melts, nothing to reflect of sun's heat and the earth's temp. rises farther.

    5. Other than human causes, natural causes include solar prominence which sends more radiation to earth than usual, or earth getting too close to the sun as a result of eccentricity in its orbit.


    > The earth's obliquity Angle decreases by 0.47" each

    > year, which changes the focus of the sun's radiation

    > on earth, resulting in climate shifts. As the

    > obliquity angle decreases, the hemispheres change in

    > basic temperature with the south becoming colder and

    > the north becoming warmer.  When the obliquity angle

    > reaches about 22 degrees, it will start to go the

    > other way and the north will get colder again and the

    > south will become warmer.  Obviously, and counter to

    > Al Gores unlearned theories, the warming of the

    > northern hemisphere cannot be stopped by man.  It will

    > stop and reverse itself.  Then the climate shifts we

    > presently experience will be goin the other way.  It

    > is pure logic applied to astro-physical law.


    > It has long been recognized that rather than staying

    > constant, obliquity varies slowly with time as a

    > result of external gravitational influences. The Moon

    > and Sun's tidal torques on Earth's ellipticity give

    > rise to the familiar 26,000-year astronomical

    > precession, while the gravitational pull of other

    > planets, primarily Jupiter and Venus, slowly perturbs

    > the orientation of the ecliptic plane in space. The

    > combined effect observed by Earth dwellers is an

    > ~41,000-year oscillation in the obliquity with overall

    > amplitude typically of about 2°. This oscillation is

    > one of the three Milankovitch cycles that ultimately

    > affect our long-term climatic system and serve as the

    > pacemaker of ice ages. The present-day obliquity

    > happens to be close to the mean value, and we are in

    > the middle of a downswing (see figure (1)). In terms

    > of real distance on the Earth's surface, one should

    > see a slow equatorward shift of the tropics by 14.4 m

    > a year-well over 1 km in a century!  

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