
Global warming is a serious global problem. God will not destroy earth. Human will destroy earth! How true?

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Global warming is a serious global problem. God will not destroy earth. Human will destroy earth! How true?




  1. Global warming will be old news in a couple of years, now that the Earth is starting to cool down because of an inactive Sun.

  2. No, not true at all.

    That's your problem you are looking for solutions to a problem that you can not fix.  

    It only took science three thousand years to tell you what The bible said long ago.

    The earth will indeed be destroyed, and it will occur by fire, and if you think you can stop it, go for it, you will just were yourself out and in the end you will still be on the losing side.

  3. False:  Global warming is not a problem, serious or minor.

    True:  God will not destroy the Earth.

    False:  Man will not destroy the Earth.

    ...roughly 33.33% True

  4. Humans are currently destroying the earth, but they might just destroy themselves before they succeed.

  5. Men cannot destroy the earth.  God won't let them.  At the end of the next thousand years or so God will destroy the earth in a big ball of fire.

  6. humans do not have the ability to "destroy the earth" we only have the ability to kill life on it. and even then we cant kill off all life. global warming maybe a problem but it wont destroy the planet. but to answer your question. if i have to pick between god and humans, i guess humans have a better shot at it since god is an imaginary character created by a human centuries ago.

  7. False... Neither will destroy this Earth. That big fusion reactor in the sky is going to destroy Earth in some billions of years...

  8. Global warming will NOT "destroy the earth," but it will destroy the ability of some flora and fauna and human population to continue to survive on our Earth.

  9. FALSE!

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