
Global it real?

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I’m not saying it’s real or not real; but isn’t good that we’re now being conscience of what were using or not using?

Isn’t it good now we’re realizing that even if global warming is the Earth just going through it’s “cycles” we’re using way too much.

I’m not asking if global warming is real or fake, but isn’t it a good thing now that this is such a hot topic, now we can learn how to save the Earth for future generations?




  1. It is always better to carefully consider the consequences of our actions. So you're right.  Being careless about the environment, knowing what we now know, is irresponsible and selfish.

  2. it is real.

    it's not a "natural cycle".

    if it promotes environmental awareness, that would be good.

    as for "saving the earth", that's probably not going to happen.

    because there are just too many people, that all want to eat, and a place to live.

    the 2 problems compliment each other, and make it far more difficult to curb global warming.

  3. In the American world global warming is not real and you can continue to use whatever products you want and keep driving SUV's. In the rest of the world, where global warming is real, we will have to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

  4. i think it's a good thing too.

    sure the earth has it's own agenda, but we certainly are contributing to the problem.  i can't imagine why some people are so opposed to the idea that we can do our share in preventing what we can.  but, there are a lot of people who don't want to make any sacrifices for their children's children, it seems.


    hopefully we'll be able to change our ways and at least stop accelerating the process

  5. The problem is that cheap energy  is what has raised the living standards of billions of people around the earth during this past century.  People who think that raising the price of energy, without effecting the livelihood of the human population are just wishful thinking.

    If you raise the price of energy to countries like China and India, you will condemn people to poverty.  If you exclude them (like they have now), then even if global warming is real, it will not make much a difference.

  6. yes we can learn how to save earth for future generations

    due to global warning which is a big warning had made us more conscious about earth!

    but as your ques ask is global warming real or not so i'm writing whats global warming!

    Green House effect is an phenomenon in which earth's atmosphere traps the heat from the sun & prevents it from escaping. The phenomenon is so named bb'coz earth's atmosphere acts like a greenhouse made of glass in which sunlight enters through transparent glass, but the heat released by plants in the form of infrared radiations is not allowed to escape. As a result of this , the temp. increasses insid ethe greenhouse.

    In a similar manner, sunlight enters earth's atmosphere and heats the surface of the earth. But certain gases present in the atmosphere trap the heat emitted by earth's surface & do not allow it to escape. This causes an increase in temp. of earth's atmosphere. This is known as Global Warming.

    The gases causing green house effect are called greenhouse gases. Carbon Dioxide, methane, ozone, and CFCs are the reen house gases present in the atmosphere which are responsible for global warming.

  7. Not really. All the lies and stories are progressing an anti american, anti human theory. We need energy as a means to support our lifestyle. Oil and Coal (and nuclear) are the most efficient means to supply this.

    All the lies has created idiotic programs which are starving the poor, and creating worse conditions in poor countries. These poeple need access to clean water and cheap energy. They are not receiving these necessities because of teh rich nations playing a guilt trip.

  8. If global warming isn't real, then there isn't any reason to believe that we're using way too much.  If global warming isn't real, then stopping it won't help save the Earth for future generations.  We are taking corn that could be used for food, and using it for energy instead.  And as a result, a LOT of poor people in third world countries are starving to death.  If global warming isn't real, then they're dying for no reason.  Plus, we're spending a lot of money to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.  If global warming isn't real, then we should be using that money for other things.  Like medicine that would save the lives of a LOT of poor people in third world countries.

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