
Global warming is real or is fake?

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What do you think, the global warming is because of pollution or it is because of normal nature changing? If you say it is because of pollution why anyone of us can't feel any pollution in mountains?




  1. The claim that AGW is a fake,is itself a fake!  Only the oil companies want you to think that AGW is a fake!

    Just what do you think pollution would feel like in the mountains? Can pollution even BE felt? Is that all you got for data to prove you claim?  When are you going to publish your scientific findings in a "peer reviewed" paper?

  2. The science is out and points to more other causes than meager CO2.  Why not blame the black asphalt roads, buildings, air conditioning units, steam plants, batteries, the full moon?  Simply CO2 is NOT THAT GREAT.  It cools down every single solitary night.  It cannot warm unless the sun warms it and it cannot store one single solitary bit of thermal energy whatsoever.  Just like any other gas, it is at the mercy of the temperature around it.  How they came to the conclusion that CO2 could do anything is absolutely nuts.

    I mean, seriously, if CO2 were all that, then we would be harnessing it and making it into energy instead of Hydrogen, Nitrous Oxide, Fossil Fuels or Oxygen.  It just don't cut it...  

    Anyone with any basic chemistry knowledge knows that.  How someone correlated CO2 with global temperature change has gone off the deep end and how this thing perpetuated, makes absolutely no sense at all.

  3. Global warming, per se, is real.  _Anthropogenic_ global warming, OTOH, is contrived and exists only as an excuse to raise taxes and further 'enhance' the bank accounts of those who are already wealthy beyond count.

    Here is truth about global warming:

    Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling.

    The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.

    This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.

    Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is

    becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).

    As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm).

    When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age.

    It's been happening for millions of years.

    The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY.

    As you probably know, computer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.

    Global warming/cooling, AKA 'climate change':

    Humans did not cause it.

    Humans cannot stop it.

  4. The scientists in the 10 national science academies that jointly drafted this statement say it's real:

    Joint Statement of Science Academies: Global Response to Climate Change [PDF], 2005

    Key Points:

    - Climate change is real

    - Reduce the causes of climate change

    - Prepare for the consequences of

    climate change

    The cause is too much carbon dioxide.  It's a gas, part of the air we breathe.  It has no color, taste or odor.  You will not notice it, but our crops will notice the change in climate and we will be challenged to produce enough food for the world's population.

  5. There are many basic scientific facts which can only be explained if the current global warming is being caused by an increased greenhouse effect due to carbon dioxide accumulating in the atmosphere from humans burning fossil fuels.

    For example, the planet is warming as much or more during the night than day.  If the warming were due to the Sun, the planet should warm a lot more during the day when the Sun has influence.  Greenhouse gases trap heat all the time, so they warm the planet regardless of time of day.  Another example is that the upper atmosphere is cooling because the greenhouse gases trap the heat in the lower atmosphere.  If warming were due to the Sun, it would be warming all layers of the atmosphere.;...

    We know it's warming, and we've measured how much:

    Scientists have a good idea how the Sun and the Earth's natural cycles and volcanoes and all those natural effects change the global climate, so they've gone back and checked to see if they could be responsible for the current global warming.  What they found is:

    Over the past 30 years, all solar effects on the global climate have been in the direction of (slight) cooling, not warming.  This is during a very rapid period of global warming.

    A recent study concluded:

    “the range of  [Northern Hemisphere]-temperature reconstructions and natural forcing histories…constrain the natural contribution to 20th century warming to be <0.2°C [less than one-third of the total warming].  Anthropogenic forcing must account for the difference between a small natural temperature signal and the observed warming in the late 20th century.”

    You can see this in the third graph here, where the dotted lines are just from natural causes, and the full lines are natural + human causes:

    If that’s not enough to convince you the Sun isn’t responsible, consider the fact that no scientific study has ever attributed more than one-third of the warming over the past 30 years to the Sun, and most attribute just 0-10% to the Sun.;...

    So the Sun certainly isn't a large factor in the current warming.  They've also looked at natural cycles, and found that we should be in the middle of a cooling period right now.

    "An often-cited 1980 study by Imbrie and Imbrie determined that 'Ignoring anthropogenic and other possible sources of variation acting at frequencies higher than one cycle per 19,000 years, this model predicts that the long-term cooling trend which began some 6,000 years ago will continue for the next 23,000 years.'"

    So it's definitely not the Earth's natural cycles.  They looked at volcanoes, and found that

    a) volcanoes cause more global cooling than warming, because the particles they emit block sunlight

    b) humans emit over 150 times more CO2 than volcanoes annually

    So it's certainly not due to volcanoes.  Then they looked at human greenhouse gas emissions.  We know how much atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased over the past 50 years:

    And we know from isotope ratios that this increase is due entirely to human emissions from burning fossil fuels.  We know how much of a greenhouse effect these gases like carbon dioxide have, and the increase we've seen is enough to have caused almost all of the warming we've seen over the past 30 years (about 80-90%).  You can see a model of the various factors over the past century here:

    This is enough evidence to convince almost all climate scientists that humans are the primary cause of the current global warming.

  6. Fake.

  7. The CO2 concentration of the atmosphere is increasing because of the amount of oil and coal we use.  That much is real.  

    The link between CO2 and warming seems quite overstated by the IPCC (who's existance depends on it being overstated).  It's doubtful that it is having a measurable effect on the climate.

  8. I think that Global Warming is fake and made by Al Gore to try to bring down Bush.  The earth changes it's temperature naturally and years ago they said that Global Cooling was happening. There is only one thing to prove that it "exists" and that is the polar cap is melting.  I think that it is because of the earth not pollution.

  9. The issue?  Fake

  10. if Global warming is real then why am I so COLD

    so Fake

    (and republicans us scare tactics, HAHAHA)

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