
Global warming is really becoming an issue. What would you give up to make world to last longer?

by Guest33672  |  earlier

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Ex. I'm not a scientist, but it is obviouse that the world is getting worse. I have been studding budburst of trees. It is a fact that budburst is happening earlier in the spring than before. In the past, it occured around 120 days after new years day, now it is around 90-95 days after.

I would be willing to give up my truck and start cycling just to be one less person wasting money on gas.




  1. The world as we know it will last as long as God wants it to inspite of what Gore spouts.

    Equally true, God will only allow what he wants to happen to this earth.  Man does not have as much affect on the whole grand scheme like Gore wants everyone to think.

  2. for global warming, we should plant more trees n the aerosoles should be strictly prohibited.We should use solar devices so that the natural gas will be saved.we should try to reduce the pollution by using the battery cars n should not waste water(our natural resources).

  3. I would be willing to give up pesticides and use natural remedies....and i like your idea of cycling instead of driving...all throughout my college career i cycled everywhere..and saved a lot of money as well! (:

  4. China & india plan to have 850 coal fired electrical generating plants in operation by 2012 ,4 years from now.

    none of these plants have the carbon capturing or pollution scrubbing technology of the plants in the developed nations.

    nothing you can do  will have any measurable effect in comparison  to this.

    adding the light from 1 candle  to the sun light of a long mid summer day would have a more measureable effect..

  5. Tell your trees to stop listening to Al Gore!  (LOL)

    I'd give up...


    ... all the tea in China!

    It used to be just an expression, but if tea is one of the first plant species to go extinct, perhaps then we can get China to participate in a solution.

  6. If global warming is real, then how come 30 years ago they were saying this:

    •“...civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind,” biologist George Wald, Harvard University, April 19, 1970.

    • By 1995, “...somewhere between 75 and 85 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.” Sen. Gaylord Nelson, quoting Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, Look magazine, April 1970.

    • Because of increased dust, cloud cover and water vapor “...the planet will cool, the water vapor will fall and freeze, and a new Ice Age will be born,” Newsweek magazine, January 26, 1970.

    • The world will be “...eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age,” Kenneth Watt, speaking at Swarthmore University, April 19, 1970.

    • “We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation,” biologist Barry Commoner, University of Washington, writing in the journal Environment, April 1970.

    • “Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from the intolerable deteriorations and possible extinction,” The New York Times editorial, April 20, 1970.

    • “By 1985, air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half...” Life magazine, January 1970.

    • “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” Paul Ehrlich, interview in Mademoiselle magazine, April 1970.

    • “...air certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone,” Paul Ehrlich, interview in Mademoiselle magazine, April 1970.

    • Ehrlich also predicted that in 1973, 200,000 Americans would die from air pollution, and that by 1980 the life expectancy of Americans would be 42 years.

    • “It is already too late to avoid mass starvation,” Earth Day organizer Denis Hayes, The Living Wilderness, Spring 1970.

    • “By the year 2000...the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America and Australia, will be in famine,” Peter Gunter, North Texas State University, The Living Wilderness, Spring 1970.

    Also, have you ever noticed that after every BIG storm Al Gore is there saying that "Global Warming" has caused this storm?  Doesn't that sound just like an ambulance chaser?  Isn't that just toooooo convienient that his "Global Warming" dogma gets all kinds of free PR after a big storm.  Keep in mind that storms have happened in earths history WAY prior to the internal combustion engine.   Sounds like Al has a ton of credibility on the line that he has to go around the world in his private jet proving the yet unproven "global warming" dogma.

    BTW - you should study budburst here in MN, we are 3-4 weeks behind and we still have ice on the lakes.  As a matter of fact we still were getting snow a couple of days ago.

    GW or AGW - it's a big joke.

  7. I would give up my cell phone. I don't really use it that much as it is. Also, I would give away all my telivisions except for one of course.


  8. it's a really hard choice deciding about something you would give up to help "global warming," but i would probably give up mine and my fam's cars (hehe, i don't have a car). it wouldn't hurt anybody (except for maybe my dad, and my too-little-to-ride-a-bike-anywhere brother...) oh... nvm, we couldn't do that. my dad would never do that, and my brother is too little. my sister is too lazy, i have no clue where im going (and i don't want to get hurt) but my mom could do it... that's one car gone! it's kinda hard giving up something, though. my mom probably wouldn't do it, though, unless "global warming" got really seriosly bad! if it became a huge, GIANT issue, though, me, and my fam would probably give up probably half of our cars (that's not much, considering we only have TWO!). but it really is a hard desision about something you would give up to help the earth. i should tell you, though, me and my family do recycle paper, cans, bottles, and other stuff. we started about a couple weeks ago, and we're hoping to get a recycling bin. then we're going to kick it into HIGH-GEAR with the recycling. i know this (long, long, long) answer didn't help much, but it's hard for people to give up things. but it's EASY for people to SAY they're going to give something up.

  9. I have changed from incandescent bulbs to cfl. from bikes to cycle and so on...

  10. I would be willing to sacrifice Al Gore from the face of the planet along with all the BS, blown up. unscientific hot air the ignorant a$$ has spewed for the last few years. If it weren't for the fact that he invented the internet, he would have no credibility.

  11. I thought Global Warming was a "theory"!!

  12. I would give up California and New York for starters.

  13. hey im not a scientist either but i know a real scientist bases global warming on the tempeture of the ocean, and also to make a imapct on the charts it must have a stable increase for at least 10 years. are weather can go in patterns that last up to 40 years!!!

  14. I have some spare change

  15. Nothing.  Since humans are not the cause of global warming what would be the reason?

  16. Well, personally, I'm not a fan of vehicles.  I always walk home from school, and would bike to school if there wasn't the issue of bicycle theft.

    A note on cars: Life wouldn't definitely more inexpensive if we didn't drive!  A large number people get killed every year in car accidents... Without cars, we wouldn't have this problem in the first place!  If you manage to survive, you'd still need to pay for medical bills.  - Like the gas prices haven't hammered you enough.

    I think that my ecological footprint is pretty small. I've tried to put electricity, gas, oil use to a minimum.

    I recycle whatever I can, and I urge my parents to consider some of my methods too.  

    So... truthfully, I don't know what there is to give up.  My computer stays - lol.

    To those people who do not believe in global warming, It Has Been Corrected.  Scientists now refer to it as Disrupted/Disturbed Climate Change.  So, snowing is not an excuse for saying that our Earth isn't dying.  The Earth is not Warming.  It is more going through drastic drastic changes, hot or cold.

    It's been snowing in the most awkward times of the years,  and here in Canada, it was recently still snowing - I'm not sure if it still is over in the west... But I know that, It's Not Normal.  And for those who sterotype... NO! It does not snow in Canada all the time... our four seasons are supposed to be fairly even.

    Yes, industries & factories are the ones creating the largest impact...  but are you all blaming them?  YOU PEOPLE, The Consumers... buy from the companies which get their products there.  

    We all should realize that everyone is at fault. Perhaps you could make a difference mainly by looking at what you buy.  Do you need it?  There are MANY Pathetic, pointless, products out there.  Don't buy them.  I don't eat/purchase fast food.  All that processed meat... foods..  Everything YOU buy (except natural & organic/ homemade) somehow connects back to the big industries that only exist because of the demand for products that YOU want.  They exist to satisfy You.

    Every step we take, makes a difference. Change is change.  We have to start somewhere.

  17. I don't think you or me giving up stuff can change anything because

    - countries industries which are 95 % of the source (mainly US) won't give up much

    - global warming is a cumulative effect, once started there is no going back

  18. Global warming was worse in 1998 than now. Big deal, your data only comes form one location. That means nothing.

  19. Absoutely nothing.

    I hate Al Gore..........................

  20. china builds 2 coal fired power stations every week, planning 500 over the next 2 years, why even bother trying against such irresponsible behaviour. Global warming is now inevitable. We are all being told to use less energy to help cope with energy production short falls in our own country's.

  21. Go for it. And while your at it, ride an extra 100 miles for me. Fuel has NOTHING to do with the fallacy of global warming...

  22. "Global Warming" is real.

    But it is not caused by humans.

    And Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is NOT a pollutant.

    We're currently in an oxygen-starved environment.

    CO2 is a vital life-gas, that we need a lot more of, than we have today.

    The Sun is heating up all planets in the solar system.

    The icecaps on Mars are melting.

    The Sun has always gone through heat cycles, sometimes burning hotter and brighter. And all stars grow larger and larger, and become hotter during their lifetime.

    There have been many periods in time on Earth where the temperature has been much hotter, and other times much cooler.

  23. My husband and I have been married for 11+ years and have NEVER owned a car ... we take the bus in the city, except for one cab every 2-4 weeks to bring the groceries home from the store.  We use no phosphate detergent and low phosphate dish soap ... we have only one low wattage light bulb in our living room (60w), and bedroom (40w) ... I even bathe in the dark with only a few candles burning (it's really romantic, especially when my husband washes my back).  We recycle our trash (cans in one bag, recycleable paper in another, food in another, glass and tin cans in another ... and we use bags we've stored from other shopping to hold the stuff) ... I am 57 years old and when I was 3 (in 1953) my grandfather took me to the 'city dump' and showed me what looked like miles and miles of garbage covered by sea gulls.  He told me that if people didn't start watching how much gas they used, and start recycling, the world could look like that dump ... but we wouldn't be here to know it, because the polar ice caps would be melted and we'd be so used to it that it would seem natural.  When?  When I reached my 60s!  I've ALWAYS been 'ecologically sound' (even before that word was widely known) and think that if people could JUST GIVE UP THEIR CARS, GAS LAWN MOWERS and LEAF BLOWERS and TURN OUT THEIR LIGHTS this world might have a chance of 'surviving.'  The Arctic ice cap is going to be GONE this summer (melted) for the FIRST TIME EVER ... and who knows what will happen to the world when that seems 'normal' ...

  24. I bike ride and walk. Compost and recycle. Re-usable shopping bags. Plant thousands of trees every year. (native ones). I carpool. I spread the word. But really, George Bush has done absolutely nothing to solve the problem, and America being #1 Global warming polluter in the world, it looks like global warming is going to destroy every living thing on this planet. So really, we are going to destroy every living thing on this planet.

  25. Aside from global warming, earth's resources are depleating and I think that's a scarier thought. Global warming is a relatively slow process compared to the rise of food prices, oil prices. The riots and death taking place in the poorer countried because they can't afford food...I think that's worse that anythign. You can't access what mother nature has intended for you to have. So i would definately say stop wasting. The amount of food you waste in a year can probably feed and entire african village for a few weeks.

    Also, think aside from global warming...think of nature itself. alll the c**p you put into your car is sent back outside for your lungs to work with. How sad is that? So really, you don't even have to think as far as global warming...just do your part for mother nature.

  26. I would give up driving entirely and like you would either bike or walk my way around town. Saving light and electricity is also another way  and so is using natural fertilizers for plants. These are just three of the many ways we humans can help control global warming. I'm sure that there are a lot of other things I can do, for example, teaching other people about global warming, its effects, and how to help control it.

    oh and by the way whoever said global warming is just a theory, well they were right. (although not for what they think)

    Theory, scientifically speaking, is a well substantiated explanation of some aspect. A theory has mounds of evidence supporting it and it has been methodically tested over and over again by scientists.

    Global warming is real

    trust me

    do you know that there is already a hole in the earth's atmosphere, caused by global warming?

  27. Your thoughts are very good but it is no use. Stats or no Stats can save this world now. Even if we all people around the globe stop their industries driving vehicles and sort of that than also we cannot eradicate the pollution which we have already cause and heat trapping which would have killed us 20 years from now, would kill us painfully that is 5 years later. Sorry if you feel bad but there is surely nothing we can do about it. So start using your truck again and enjoy the 20 years of life which we all have!!

    If you dont agree with it feel free to contact me:

  28. I have no reason to give anything up just because a bunch of wealthy politicians and celebrities want the general public to live in tents and eat grasses and roots.  Who in their right mind thinks the Earth's temperature and weather should stay the same 24 / 7 / 365 ?  Just because we have a really hot summer one year doesn't mean we are on the way to a planetary meltdown.  But neither does a cooler summer mean we are on the way to an ice age.  And you can't mix the two together and bill it, "climate change" because it rains instead of snows at the end of February.

  29. I would be willing for you to give up what ever you want. I am unwilling to give up my things because of a theory which has been disproved over and over again.

    The climate changes as a natural cycle. During the global medieval warm period, temps were higher than today, and yet the earth continued to survive.

  30. Al Gore !

  31. Ya know - I think the idea of "giving up" something to fix the problem ultimately won't work.  The problem is simply too deep to depend on long term deprivation to solve.

    Instead, I try to THINK about what I am doing and how it will effect the environment - and if I can do it some other way to have less effect.

    You'd be amazed at the number of times you can do something as conveniently and have less footprint.

    I think about what I put in the trash.

    I think about how I heat my home.

    I think about whether I really need to drive alone some place.

    I think about whether I really need a truck to carry the stuff I might need to move once a year - or whether I could get away with a super efficient car instead.

    I've learned that I can rent a truck when I need one.

    Its a pretty easy habit to get into.  And of course, as gas prices climb and the political situation in the Middle East drags on, it gets easier still.

    The most important thing I do is I THINK about who I vote for.

    I know that the technology exists for realistic zero emission cars if purchased in quantity.  I know that wind turbine, tidal turbine, solar power, etc, can be much cheaper if purchased in high quantity.  Its a matter of getting the public over the "elbow" of cost vs. benefit.

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