
Global warming or the beginning of birth pains? ?

by Guest62537  |  earlier

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"We are just seeing a lot more Categories 4 and 5 globally than we have ever seen," said Judith Curry, chairman of Earth and atmospheric sciences at Georgia Tech. "The years 2004, 2005 and 2007 are quite high. We're just seeing more and more."

We always had natural disasters but, the only difference it's increasing.

You can say and believe anything you want but the fact that all this "global warming" ice shelfs falling off, lakes and rivers disappearing and hotter summers hitting record highs and environmentalist and NASA seeing a rapid change makes me wonder.. Many say it's just what earth does and has been in these changes before and ignore God's word. The people in Noah's day had the same attitude. Look where it got them.

"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." (Mt 24:37) It is very much like this today.




  1. Jesus is coming back but no one knows when, not even him, It may be in our lifetime or not. Are you ready?

  2. "Many say it's just what earth does and has been in these changes before and ignore God's word."

    See, that's where I have a problem. You presume it's the word of a god.

    Just because the climate is changing - if that indeed is what is happening - that does not mean we are actually facing a biblical end of the world.

    The climate has changed dramatically before during human history, just think of the Little Ice Age which occurred during the Middle Ages.

    Is the world still here, or did it end in judgment day? Um, it's still here.

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but what you have there brushes up uncomfortably close to rank superstition. You got to watch that. It warps the mind.

  3. The Lord is coming back soon is my guess.  

  4. Chicken Little's right people, better buy a canoe. Unless that was just a kid's story or something idk...

  5. Flood myths are found in every culture past and present, even cultures that flourished long before the Hebrews.

    And people have been predicting the end of the world for every generation since recorded history.

    And people have been predicting the coming of a Messiah since the beginning of recorded history.

    The beat goes on.

  6. I don't understand how so many people that are brain dead, manage to use this site so diligently! (sarcasm= as in OMG)

    Natural disasters happen! Well and good!

    But putting harmful carbons in our air, is disastrous as well!

    Global Warming is disruptively real!

    See ice shelves!

    See melting Glaciers!

    Strange seasonal changes.

    Pollution causing weather changes.

    See acid rain

    It has nothing to do with religious beliefs!

  7. OoOoOo, well isn't that interesting?

  8. Birth Pains and they are coming most Rapidly now;This Time of the Year around Trumpets.will be very active;--

  9. Global warming does not exist. Temperatures were higher in what is known as the Medieval Warming period when CO2 levels were lower than they are now. So any increased temp. is not due to increased C02 levels. Also since the abnormally global hot year of 1998 overall temp. has fallen to a lower level and we can expect a decade or more of cooling before temp. begins to rise again. All this in spite of CO2 levels going up every year! 'Global warming' is a nonsense.

  10. I believe the birth pangs have already started and are half way through.

    Iran and their allies have been constantly saying they will wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Iran needs nuclear weapons and Israel needs to rebuild the temple for all the signs to be there as Jesus said they would.

  11. Could be...if I read you details correctly, then you're suggesting that the changes in our climate could be influenced by God and are part of his plan...if so, then I agree it is a possibility.  

    On the other hand, I do think that global warming (and cooling) is a natural part of the makeup of this planet...just another of MANY phenomena on this planet that operate in a cyclical manner.  You have to remember that these climatologists and environmentalists are basing their conclusion that the planet is getting warmer on less than 200 years (and in some cases, less than 100 years) worth of actual data...the rest of the data is surrogate data.  More importantly, that surrogate data clearly supports the idea that this planet follows a natural cycle that involves gradual warming followed by rapid cooling...and that burning fossil fuels (and the other things we want to blame the current warming trend on) didn't play a role in the previous cycles!

    Thing is, if global warming is the beginning of birth pains...a preparation for God's next major overhaul of this planet OR if it is a part of a natural cycle, we have NO hope of influencing that process.  The scientists that believe we're responsible for the current warming cycle are the same ones that believe this planet has suffered through several "ice ages" over the past 4.5 (or so) billion years.  If you look at THEIR data, it seems pretty clear that we're due for another one.  ...and if that's true, then the suggestion that we can stop this one is wildly arrogant!

  12. God is soming back soon. And I don't believe in global warming. I know. How awful am I.

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