
Global warming paper?

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ok im doing a paper for school it has to be 4-6 pages oong im almost done on my 3rd page now. i have 9 good size paragraphs done so far.

my topics are

opening/info on global warming



why people dont believe in global warming


endangered animals


and how we can help stop global warming

i need i think 1 or 2 other topics i could write about?

any ideas please help 10points and best answer




  1. Hi there,

    Other topics you can write about:

    Acid Rain

    Droughts in the West and South of the USA

    The huge Super Cells, like hurricane Katrina

    Climate Change and how it is linked to Global warming

    The destruction of Haiti's ecosystem

    Rising Skin Cancer rates due to Ozone Depletion

    Air Quality and rising Asthma rates

    Lots of info on the website about it too.

    Good luck!!

    And the easiest way I've found to write an essay quickly is by setting up an outline

    Intro.  here's what I'm going to tell you.  point 1 point 2 point 3

    A. then explain point 1

    B. explain point 2

    C. explain point 3

    Conlusion.  Tell them what you just explained tie up any loose ends.

  2. Global warming is Real? ok what ever lemme look

    AL gore? something about like inventing global warming?

  3. I don’t believe that man made global warming is happening, but if I were writing this paper in support of it then I would limit the paper to the following instead of diluting it, to the following:

    A short paper 4-6 pages long can't support all the things that you have mentioned.

    Introduction with premise in outline form.

    Man-made pollution types.

    Politics: Candidate positions on Man-made Global Warming.


  4. First don't listen to puds like ddcdkd.

    I would look to causation as a topic.

    I would also look to alternative energy as another topic and focus on alternatives that are not fossil fuel dependent.

    I would also suggest looking at the costs of global warming, both from a proactive approach to resolution and a reactive approach to resolution.. cite NASA, NOAA and the EPA when supporting the premise. They have good data and are very unbiased.

  5. I think that some of your topics are very general and can be broken into sub-groups:  What can we do:  recycle, consume less, use products that are manufactured nearby.  

    Also the weather changes don't just affect endangered animals but nearly every species.  Since the weather had turned warmer, some birds species are dying because the timing of the egg hatching is now after the insects so the chicklets die of younger.

  6. Another topic is who stands to profit from global warming alarmism.  Scientists get grant money for researching AGW.  Algore will make millions off of his investments in carbon offsets.  Follow the money.  Perpetuating the myth of AGW will make lots of people very, very rich with Algore sitting at the top of the list.
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