
Global warming please act.?

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Call your Congressman and let's get global warming declared a legitimate religion. We in the movement will then save on property taxes etc. Act now before it is too late Let's get our movement made into a religion.




  1. I'm in the middle of a self imposed 12 hour moratorium on passing gas in an effort to reduce my carbon footprint. OOPS! Well, there goes that idea. Sorry guys!

  2. My sports car loves Arab oil.

  3. global warming is a religion. hey i have a bit of an idea. let's record weather for a bit more then only 100 years and admit that the earth's climate will always fluctuate.

    let's get our heads OUT of the atmosphere and get them back on the planet.

    let's focus on deaths occuring NOW not deaths that might possibly occur in the future.

  4. already done!

  5. I'm afraid I can't do all that, since I'm only ten, but I totally agree with you. Global warming is terrible! The polar bears and penguins in Alaska and Antartica are practically dying because all of the ice is melting! I can't do much, but I can do something, as in ride my bike or walk to school, and stuff like that.

    Hope I put a smile on your face!

    -Lil' Princess

  6. Ok people whats so bad about global warming its just nature going through its cycles i mean come on the beginning of man was out of an ice age so the earth is just getting warmer which too me is a good thing but dam do i feel sorry for those penquins and polar bears b ut with animal insticnt they should no to move north to the poles and i doubt this is mans fault and omg the world averge temperature went up 2 degrees  over the last 5 years omg were all gonna melt lol that myan prophecy things gonna get us way before global warm ing if u believe in such things

  7. I'll be in charge of the food!

  8. ya and your leader can be the fruit-loop Gore.  Oh that's right he is your leader.  What a moron, the guy lies all the times and you all believe him.  Has he try selling you the idea that he built the information highway all by himself using just his bare hands and toothpicks.

  9. And please don't forget the "carbon tax" The UN needs it to fund a world wide Eco police force. What ever funding is left over we will use to cool the sun down!

  10. maybe the global warming is due to the wobble in the earth, or hasn't anyone noticed.  try watching the path the sun takes every day.  not the same as it was.  it rises in the east, does a little WSW move, then about 4pm  est, it heads northwest.  much farther north than normal.  check it out.

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