
Global warming please help?

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ok im doing a paper for school on global warming im almost done but i need some quick facts about basic information about global warming.(just some more info i could put in my opening)

and i a few facts or info about weather and global warming.

anything information you have please help me 10points and best answer thank you so much :)




  1. Hi,

    Best place to look is the wikipedia, hope this helps.

  2. Global warming creates climate change.

  3. it warms the earth and makes people look hot

  4. Actually the polar bears are doing fine - their population is five times what it was in the 1950s.

    And "global warming creates climate change" is just their way of changing their story to fit the weather.   First it was global warming - when it was warming - now that it hasn't warmed since 1998, it's "climate change" - as if changing weather (which is what weather does) is bad and caused by us.

  5. ok so i think that globel warming is mostly the earth warming up to the piont that its going to harm us. that cause is green house gas which is made up of mostly methone carbon dioxide and i lot nore other stuff that you could find ion

  6. Well, The Ice in Antarctica is Melting and POlar Bears are having hard times!

  7. What:s happening with the weather should be enough to make people WAKE UP  These are the Facts!!

       Then you strut your stuff! Any help?? State the Facts! Make your audience realize the impact 1 .? , just1? , simple effect has on Americans Future!We only get 1 wake up call!!!!

  8. Watch this video by Leonardo DiCaprio and take some hard notes about global warming. Hope this helps.

  9. I think Global Warning is a meaningful issue to the citizens of this world. Of course, you can get plenty of information by just type in the Global Warning in Google search, or you can quote some words from Al Gore's video for he was the Nobel prize winner of last year. I think you should impress your professor or lecturer by saying global warning is the issue for letting every citizen in this world to participate and be part of it. If every one can start with his or her community by as simple as drive less, consume less energy, use less plastic bags, car pools and use more public transportation, and many more ideas to save our environment clean and safe. You probably can quote some facts about Hong Kong is the most polluted city in this world. There are more than 1.5 millions resident are contracted with asthma, heart and lungs deceases last year in Hong Kong, a city has population of less than 7 millions. Also, you can quote the news of to day that Marathon world record holder refused to participate the up coming Beijing Olympic game.;_ylt=A0oG...

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