
Global warming/poles reversing?

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Please intelligent people who are well informed answer this. I don't get all this global warming stuff. While I understand that there is more carbon in the air than there used to be why is it that alot of places are reporting record lows this year alone. But yet the caps are still melting and falling into the ocean. Are we just being paranoid or is there a real problem here. I am so confused and I don't know what to believe. While I try to be as green as possible because of the waste it generates not to be I just don't know if it really makes a difference.




  1. simply put, the ozone layer which protects us from the ultra violent rays... is being eaten away with all the pollution and what not. so, us on earth.. a feeling the sun's power alot more.

    which means, the climate of the earth is changing.. and the ice of the earth is melting tremendously. metling as bad as, los angeles is supposed to be under water in the future.

    yes it is a real problem and it's only getting worst.

  2. Global climate changes affect so many levels of our planet from ocean currents to the jet stream. Just because some places have record lows does not mean others don't have increased warming trends.

  3. The answer is that it has been warming.  Almost certainly the majority of that warming has been natural.  Perhap a little is due oto man.  That warming has been beneficial and will remain so unless for some unexpected reason it breaks the trend and continues.  Global warming is a minor concern that has been exaggerated by those with a political agenda or some who are just in need of a cause.  Only a foolish person waste water or anything else because it is money down the drain.  That being said, most shortages are caused by government getting in the way and are generally exaggerated to the rediculous extreme.

    The poles reversing don't have a lot to do with it.  The reversing poles have resulted in a lessened magnetosphere.  This might allow more cosmic rays that might make more clouds form.  There is a remote possibility that it will effect climate but the truth is it is very complex and we don't know.

  4. There is no circular orbit ,it does not exist. The orbit is elliptical and very stable. Any problem with the orbit would repeat every year. The pole reversal will not happen ,but if it did we and the plants would all die.

  5. January was a cold month because of a strong La Nina cycle.  However, La Nina has already begun to dissipate, and March was the warmest month in over a year.;...;...

    There is most definitely a real problem here.  Please read the link below for an explanation of how we know humans are causing global warming.

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