
Global warming??????

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i'm a little confused about global warming

its the increase in temperature of the earth obviously but then ppl say there is a hole in the atmosphere above antarctica

wouldn't that release the heat trapped in the planet? doesn't the atmosphere trap heat in the planet?

what r the causes of global warming? what is actually happening to cause this?




  1. Well, Global Warming is caused by pollution of course. Examples are Cars, Factories, and Fires. So global warming is when the average temperature of the earth is increased and gets hotter. And it happens when all those greenhouse gases go up into the atmosphere and it creates a blanket around he earth. When the sun's heat comes to earth, it's suppose to hit the earth, warm it up, then go back into space. But because of the layer of pollution in our atmosphere, the extra heat doesn't go back into space and heats the earth up extra. Now the hole in the atmosphere above antactica, it started with the layer of ozone and the ozone layer has been there ever since we can remember and mostly it protected life on earth from solar radiation from the sun, without the ozone layer, all or most life around the hole would be damaged greatly. Every year part of the ozone layer is destroyed by  man-made chemicals, The ozone layer is right now over 27 million square kilometers in size. The Causes of the hole are  chlorin and cold temperatures and sunlight.

  2. the planet is fine, global warming is a lie.

  3. call 'BIG GREEN'  Al Gore, he will make up something for you

  4. Cdn23 is right. How you can help is plant a tree. this will suck up the greenhouse gases and make oxygen.

  5. Global warming is the gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth. You're mixing it up with the hole on the Earth's ozone layer... which is a completely different issue. The ozone layer protects the Earth from the Sun's harmful ultraviolet rays... A hole in the ozone layer would increase humans/plants' exposure to these harmful ultraviolet radiation and lead into skin problems such as skin cancer and so on. This is different from global warming which is caused due to the increase of greenhouse gases (gases that trap heat e.g. carbon-dioxide,methane,etc.) in the Earth's atmosphere...  An excess of these gases would lead into more heat being trapped in the Earth's atmosphere and the subsequent warming of the Earth.

    More greenhouse gases --> more heat trapped --> higher temperatures --> melting of the glaciers up north/very high temperatures near the equator ---> loss of habitat for plants/animals/humans...

  6. Global warming is all hype ~ doesn't exist.

  7. The ozone layer and greenhouse gases are two totally different things.  The ozone layer is a natural layer high in the upper atmosphere that filters out a large percentage of the ultraviolet rays from the sun.  It doesn't have a significant impact on temperature, but losing more of it would let in more of the harmful ultraviolet rays which cause sunburn and skin cancer.

    Greenhouse gases accumulate somewhat lower in the atmosphere and they keep the Earth warm by holding in the heat that would otherwise radiate back into space.  This greenhouse effect is largely a natural phenomenon, and the Earth would be much colder without it, but the concern of scientists is that we are making an unnatural contribution to this layer of the atmosphere which could upset the natural balance.


    The thumbs-down responses only show how much the deniers dislike facts of any kind.  Nothing I said above is in dispute, except maybe, "which could upset the natural balance", and that's not even saying that it IS happening, only that it COULD.  The rest is undeniable scientific facts, and I didn't even go into what caused the hole in the ozone layer.
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