
Global warming.......?

by Guest65918  |  earlier

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will global warming kill us? will it effect this generation? how fast will it happen? help!?




  1. You have to next Thursday.  That's when the end of the world will happen.

  2. Wow, I guess we should all consider mass suicide before that one tenth of one degree temperature change gets us.

  3. People love saying scientists say this or that but I bet very few actually know the name of a scientist that actually makes a statement.

    If you want to stop worrying unnecesarily watch: The Great Global Warming Swindle.

    Common sense will tell you if you should worry after that.

  4. scientific studies have shown that global worming plays a very large part in humanity being extinct. Though, trying to figure out a way to predict the time that global warming will hold, as in how long will it take for humanity to completely disappear. Do not worry that wont happen for a very long time.

  5. If iceland and a part of antartica falls off (which they are predicting that will happen if global warming continues like this), it would flood florida,new york a huge part of china, where millions of people live, if that happens it can kill people and if that happens, all the world maps will have to be re-drawn. Humans are the only reason why global warming is happening. Also animals are being extinct slowly, like polar bears they dont have ice because it's melting.

  6. I wonder how many people realize that we are still coming out of the last ice age. No one ever thinks that the earth is warming because of that. Of course, theres no propaganda value in that. This whole global warming thing is retarded. I find it amazing that some people think the Earth has had the same climate since its formation. You know what? Theres a colossal nuclear explosion going on just 93 million miles from us. It's intensity fluctuates over time. But no, the Earth is warming because of "carbon emissions". Theres onje difference in those 2 arguments. The Government can make money off of regulating carbon emissions. It can't tax the sun though. Think about that.

  7. global warming wont kill us, well as far as we know. in about 50 years, scientists think that parts of the countries will be covered in water. the most important thing that i noticed was that NEW YORK will be COMPLETELY covered. i suggest that in later years, we should all move inland.

  8. We can't accurately predict what course the climate will take. I can, however, guarantee you that our generation will be subjected to it in some form or another.

    You may experience 'run-away' global warming, or a period of warming followed by cooling into an ice age. If a scientist tells you he can accurately predict what temperature the world will be at at a certain time in the future, he is wrong.

    A lot of scientists are in agreeal that our actions have caused climate destablisation by the combined actions of CO2, water vapour, and the possible opposite effect of sulphur aerosols. Climate is a very complex system so, when you tamper with it, its difficult to know what will happen.

    The best thing we, as a human race, can do to prepare for it is to ensure a reliable supply of food and water worldwide, and a control on population increase. Decreasing gas emissions will possibly help to slow down destablisation, but it will without a doubt reduce the effects of Acid Rain (sulphur, nitrogen, and carbon compounds compining with water) and Low-level Ozone (caused by a mixture of gases - Ozone is toxic).

  9. One of the least talked about and most important aspects of global warming is drought.  Widespread drought in California and the Southwest will be a problem long before tidal encroachment, despite the movies.  Look for extended drought to be a problem as soon as 2020.

  10. I'm pretty sure it will kill us eventually if we don't make an effort, AND the stupid republicans won't recognize that global warming IS true and they won't make any effort to try to stop it and save the world so we won't die because of global warming and so the Earth can be preserved  to have life on it and stay that way for millions of  years in the future.

  11. Montreal Set To Break All Time Snow Record

    MONTREAL - Several dozen schools were expected to remain shut this week in the Canadian province of Quebec over fears their roofs may collapse under the weight of near record amounts of snow, officials said on Monday.

    Administrators at Montreal's French-language school board said only 73 of the roughly 200 schools shut since Friday will reopen on Tuesday.

    Some of the others may not open until after the four-day Easter weekend, which begins Friday.

    "The objective, of course, is to open the maximum of schools but at the same time to proceed carefully because we want there to be zero risk," school board president Diane de Courcy told reporters.

    All told, 90,000 students have been out of school in the Montreal area since Friday.

    Primary and secondary schools and adult education centres will reopen only once their roofs have been cleared of snow and the buildings have been inspected for structural safety, de Courcy said.

    Four people have been killed in the mainly French-speaking Canadian province of 7.6 million after roofs collapsed under the weight of accumulated snow, though none of the incidents involved schools.

    In Shawinigan, about 150 kilometres northeast of Montreal, a 55-year-old man died on Saturday when the roof of his home collapsed.

    Three women were killed in Morin Heights north of Montreal last Wednesday when part of a food warehouse roof caved in under the weight of snow.

    To date, some 350 centimetres of snow has fallen in the Montreal area, approaching a record level of 383 centimetres set in 1971.

    Despite periods of rain over the past few weeks, some school roofs have three meters of accumulated snow, school board officials said. About 300 workers were using shovels, scoops and even chainsaws to cut through the snow and ice.

    There has been even more snowfall in Quebec's outlying areas. The Mont Orford ski hill about 120 kilometres to the east of Montreal has had 527 centimetres of snowfall since the beginning of the season.

    Those seeking updates on the Montreal school closures can visit the school board's Web site at: or call 514-897-4444.
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