
Global warming!!!!!!!?

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well we see at tv and we all have heard about global warming!!!!

its going to happen and we should do some to save our earth !!!!!

but we at the grass level what we can do to save our earth!

its been destroyed by big industries and cutting down of the green forest why they are not stop doing that just becose the goverment are getting fund from them!!!

i just want to know what we can do to thing to save our earth plz give ur option




  1. Well at school i did a report on global warming.

    Here are some facts

    Take Action!

    There are many things you can do in your daily life that can have an effect on your immediate surrounding, and on places as far away as Antarctica. Here is a list of things that you can do to make a difference.

    There are many things you can do today to reduce your own adding to on this problem!

    Tropical Tree Growth Slowed

    Other big changes are being monitored in the tropics, too. Data on tree growth, tropical air temperatures and CO2 readings collected over 16 years indicate that a warming climate may cause the tropical forests to give off more carbon dioxide than they take up. This would upset the common belief that tropical forests are always a counterbalance to carbon, taking huge amounts out of the atmosphere. The study, by Deborah and David Clark of the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica, and Charles Keeling and Stephen Piper of the Scripps Institution, reports that rainforest trees grow much more slowly in warmer nighttime temperatures, which is a hallmark of climate change in the tropics.

    Tropical Tree Charles Keeling

    Landscaping Your Home for Energy Efficiency

    In Winter, by maximizing solar heating while deflecting winds away from your home; and

    in Summer by maximizing shading while funneling breezes toward your home. [Source]

    Buy a Hybrid Car

    The average driver could save 16,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $3,750 per year driving a hybrid.

    Buy a Fuel Efficient Car

    Getting a few extra miles per gallon makes a big difference. Save thousands of lbs. of carbon dioxide and a lot of money per year.

    Carpool When You Can

    Own a big vehicle? Carpooling with friends and co-workers saves fuel. Save 790 lbs. of carbon dioxide and hundreds of dollars per year.

    Inflate Your Tires

    Keep the tires on your car adequately inflated. Save 250 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $840 per year.

    Change Your Air Filter

    Check your car's air filter monthly. Save 800 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $130 per year.

    Reduce Garbage

    Buy products with less packaging and recycle paper, plastic and glass. Save 2,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year.

    Composting helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the number of trips trucks must make to the landfill as well as the amount of methane released by our landfills.

    Use Recycled Paper

    Make sure your printer paper is 100% post consumer recycled paper. Save 5 lbs. of carbon dioxide per ream of paper.

    Buy Minimally Packaged Goods

    Less packaging could reduce your garbage by about 10%. Save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide and $1,000 per year.

    Unplug Un-used Electronics

    Even when electronic devices are turned off, they use energy. Save over 1,000 lbs of carbon dioxide and $150 per year.

    Plant a Tree

    Trees provide a microclimate and sustained moisture for you. Trees suck up carbon dioxide and make clean air for us to breath. Save 2,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year.

    Use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs

    Replace 3 frequently used light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. Save 300 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $60 per year.

    Fill the Dishwasher

    Run your dishwasher only with a full load. Save 100 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $40 per year.

    Adjust Your Thermostat

    Move your heater thermostat down two degrees in winter and up two degrees in the summer. Save 2000 lbs of carbon dioxide and $98 per year.

    Check Your Waterheater

    Keep your water heater thermostat no higher than 120EF. Save 550 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $30 per year.

    Change the AC Filter

    Clean or replace dirty air conditioner filters as recommended. Save 350 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $150 per year.

    Take Shorter Showers

    Showers account for 2/3 of all water heating costs. Save 350 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $99 per year.

    Install a Low-Flow Showerhead

    Using less water in the shower means less energy to heat the water. Save 350 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $150.

    Buy Products Locally

    Buy locally and reduce the amount of energy required to drive your products to your store.

    Buy Energy Certificates

    Help spur the renewable energy market and cut global warming pollution by buying wind certificates and green tags.

    Insulate Your Water Heater

    Keep your water heater insulated could save 1,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $40 per year.

    Replace Old Appliances

    Inefficient appliances waste energy. Save hundreds of lbs. of carbon dioxide and hundreds of dollars per year.

    Weatherize Your Home

    Caulk and weather strip your doorways and windows. Save 1,700 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $274 per year.

    Use a Push Mower

    Use your muscles instead of fossil fuels and get some exercise. Save 80 lbs of carbon dioxide and x $ per year.

    Put on a Sweater

    Instead of turning up the heat in your home, wear more clothes Save 1,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $250 per year.

    Insulate Your Home

    Make sure your walls and ceilings are insulated. Save 2,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $245 per year.

    Air Dry Your Clothes

    Line-dry your clothes in the spring and summer instead of using the dryer. Save 700 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $75 per year.

    Switch to a Tankless Water Heater

    Your water will be heated as you use it rather than keeping a tank of hot water. Save 300 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $390 per year.

    Switch to Double Pane Windows

    Double pane windows keep more heat inside your home so you use less energy. Save 10,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $436 per year.

    Buy Organic Food

    The chemicals used in modern agriculture pollute the water supply, and require energy to produce.

    Bring Cloth Bags to the Market

    Using your own cloth bag instead of plastic or paper bags reduces waste and requires no additional energy.


    Take Action!

    There are many simple things you can do in your daily life that can have an effect on your immediate surrounding, and on places as far away as Antarctica. Here is a list of few things that you can do to make a difference.

    Use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs: Replace 3 frequently used light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. Save 300 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $60 per year.

    Inflate Your Tires: Keep the tires on your car adequately inflated. Check them monthly. Save 250 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $840 per year.

    Change Your Air Filter: Check your car's air filter monthly. Save 800 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $130 per year.

    Fill the Dishwasher: Run your dishwasher only with a full load. Save 100 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $40 per year.

    Use Recycled Paper: Make sure your printer paper is 100% post consumer recycled paper. Save 5 lbs. of carbon dioxide per ream of paper.

    Adjust Your Thermostat: Move your heater thermostat down two degrees in winter and up two degrees in the summer. Save 2000 lbs of carbon dioxide and $98 per year.

    Check Your Water Heater: Keep your water heater thermostat no higher than 120EF. Save 550 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $30 per year.

    Change the AC Filter: Clean or replace dirty air conditioner filters as recommended. Save 350 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $150 per year.

    Take Shorter Showers: Showers account for 2/3 of all water heating costs. Save 350 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $99 per year.

    Install a Low-Flow Showerhead: Using less water in the shower means less energy to heat the water. Save 350 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $150.

    Buy Products Locally: Buy locally and reduce the amount of energy required to drive your products to your store.

    Buy Energy Certificates: Help spur the renewable energy market and cut global warming pollution by buying wind certificates and green tags.

    Buy Minimally Packaged Goods: Less packaging could reduce your garbage by about 10%. Save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide and $1,000 per year.

    Buy a Hybrid Car: The average driver could save 16,000 lbs. of CO2 and $3,750 per year driving a hybrid. (Note: E85 fuel, derived from corn, is available in most US states, but in ZERO New England states. See for more info.)

    Buy a Fuel Efficient Car: Getting a few extra miles per gallon makes a big difference. Save thousands of lbs. of CO2 and a lot of money per year.

    Carpool When You Can: Own a big vehicle? Carpooling with friends and co-workers saves fuel. Save 790 lbs. of carbon dioxide and hundreds of dollars per year.

    Reduce Garbage: Buy products with less packaging and recycle paper, plastic and glass. Save 1,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year.

    Plant a Tree: Trees suck up carbon dioxide and make clean air for us to breath. Save 2,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year.

    Insulate Your Water Heater: Keep your water heater insulated could save 1,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $40 per year.

    Replace Old Appliances: Inefficient appliances waste energy. Save hundreds of lbs. of carbon dioxide and hundreds of dollars per year.

    Weatherize Your Home: Caulk and weather strip your doorways and windows. Save 1,700 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $274 per year.

    Use a Push Mower: Use your muscles instead of fossil fuels and get some exercise. Save 80 lbs of carbon dioxide and x $ per year.

    Unplug Un-Used Electronics: Even when electronic devices are turned off, they use energy. Save over 1,000 lbs of carbon dioxide and $256 per year.

    Put on a Sweater: Instead of turning up the heat in your home, wear more clothes Save 1,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $250 per year.

    Insulate Your Home: Make sure your walls and ceilings are insulated. Save 2,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $245 per year.

    Air Dry Your Clothes: Line-dry your clothes in the spring and summer instead of using the dryer. Save 700 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $75 per year.

    Switch to a Tankless Water Heater: Your water will be heated as you use it rather than keeping a tank of hot water. Save x lbs. of carbon dioxide and $390 per year.

    Switch to Double Pane Windows: Double pane windows keep more heat inside your home so you use l

  2. Use as little electricity and fuel as possible; Only have light on in the room you're in, ride a bike or take the bus instead of driving. You could also give the money you save to charities that are trying to stop global warming. There's a list here:

  3. There are no experimental data to support the hypothesis that increases in human hydrocarbon use or in atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are causing or can be expected to cause unfavorable changes in global temperatures, weather, or landscape. There is no reason to limit human production of CO2, CH4, and other minor greenhouse gases as has been proposed.

    We also need not worry about environmental calamities even if the current natural warming trend continues. The Earth has been much warmer during the past 3,000 years without catastrophic effects. Warmer weather extends growing seasons and generally improves the habitability of colder regions.

    As coal, oil, and natural gas are used to feed and lift from poverty vast numbers of people across the globe, more CO2 will be released into the atmosphere. This will help to maintain and improve the health, longevity, prosperity, and productivity of all people.

    The United States and other countries need to produce more energy, not less. The most practical, economical, and environmentally sound methods available are hydrocarbon and nuclear technologies.

    Human use of coal, oil, and natural gas has not harmfully warmed the Earth, and the extrapolation of current trends shows that it will not do so in the foreseeable future. The CO2 produced does, however, accelerate the growth rates of plants and also permits plants to grow in drier regions. Animal life, which depends upon plants, also flourishes, and the diversity of plant and animal life is increased.

    Human activities are producing part of the rise in CO2 in the atmosphere. Mankind is moving the carbon in coal, oil, and natural gas from below ground to the atmosphere, where it is available for conversion into living things. We are living in an increasingly lush environment of plants and animals as a result of this CO2 increase. Our children will therefore enjoy an Earth with far more plant and animal life than that with which we now are blessed.

  4. You get rid of all the elite in the world and start over as an agrarian society .


    When we start taking care of our bodies, we will start taking care of our planet.

    Walk instead of drive.

    We have become a Nation of personal comfort, and we are becoming over weight, with high blood pressure, Diabetes.

  6. Start using alternative fuels and energy from renewable energy sources like wind and sun....for further info visit:

  7. Our Earth is doing fine.  Don't let the 'man-did-it' cultists get to you.

  8. Don't worry about it. We need to take care of the earth but just because it is warming doesn't mean we're causing it. CO2 issions dont effect the temperatue. Acutally the sun and clouds cause more warming. Back in medival times the earth was warmer than today and we didn't cause it then or do anything about it. Then the earth cooled with out our help. The earth has gone through cycles forever and it will continue to. In the 1970's an ice age was predicted and that didn't come true. The media has blown this out of proportion. This isn't about the environment any more.i ill only be proven wrong after theyre dead, so now it makes more sense for them to make something exciting than true. Don't believe everything you hear. Our earth isn't going to burn and we shouldn't stop progress of our economy for a few trees. It comes down to, would you save a tree or live your life with cars and electricity?

  9. yeah its really scary, and i dont think enough people are doing stuff to stop it, like stop people from cutting down the rainforest and stuff because all the tree's would help to take in the carbon dioxide, i dont know when it will be taken care of though, because of all the people who continue to disagre and call it a myth

  10. Big industries are not hurting the earth, and it doesn't need saving - YOU do.

  11. you should try to use as little electricity as possible, unplug things that you are not using, use public transportation or carpool instead of driving, take your own re-useable bags to the grocery store
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