
Global warming question? 10 points for best answer?

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below are facts related to greenhouse gases & environmental changes.

1. cause ?

effect: carbon dioxide & other greenhouse gases are increasing in the atmosphere

2. cause ?

effect: carbon dioxide is present in the air in larger amounts when forests are cut downand farm or grasslands are formed

3. cause: carbon dioxide is present in the air in larger amounts when forests are cut down and farm or grasslands are formed

effect ?

4. cause: glaciers & snow fields contribute to reflection orsolar radiation from the Earth's surface. glaciers have been retreating since the 1800's

effect: ?

5. cause ?

effect: glaciers have been retreating since the 1800's

6. cause: melting glaciers will decrease the ocean's salinity

effect ?

7. cause deep ocean currents are driven by highlysaline water of the North Atlantic. Heavy saltwater sinking to the ocean bottom in the north cause warm waters to flow northward.

effect ?

can you please help me with some of the causes and effects? thanks:)




  1. 1)  Record high solar activity

    2)  Illogical thought process:  The crops/grasses grown on the same land consume just as much CO2 as the trees they replace

    3)  Exact same question as #2:  See answer above.

    4)  More fresh water and farmable land.

    5)  Solar cycles and an irregular orbit around the Sun

    6)  Little to none:  The volume of glacier melt-water is minuscule in comparison to the volume of global saltwater.  Oceanic salinity will not change much.

    7)  The effect is called the Gulf Stream on the US Atlantic coastline.  One should note COLD water sinks regardless of its salinity.  Saltwater poured into freshwater at the same temperature does NOT sink to the bottom:  It all becomes a more diluted saltwater.  You can test this for yourself with some food coloring and table salt.

  2. The very nature of the questions imply that you MUST agree with the vague theory of global warming, or fail.

    If this is the way lies are being spread to kids in schools, no wonder so many people home-school their kids.  It seems that the educational system has been badly scammed by Al Gore and his friends, and is teaching trash to our kids.

    When you're taught garbage and nonsense and science-fiction, stand up and challenge!  Ask for proof...everyone is these days and so far there is none.

  3. 1. cause ? = Increased man made pollution from industry & transport & man himself.

    effect: carbon dioxide & other greenhouse gases are increasing in the atmosphere

    2. cause ? = unsustainable tree farming (cutting down more trees than you let grow to full size)

    effect: carbon dioxide is present in the air in larger amounts when forests are cut downand farm or grasslands are formed

    3. cause: carbon dioxide is present in the air in larger amounts when forests are cut down and farm or grasslands are formed

    effect ? = loss of wildlife areas for breeding, greater pollution in the air.

    4. cause: glaciers & snow fields contribute to reflection orsolar radiation from the Earth's surface. glaciers have been retreating since the 1800's

    effect: ? = more water in the worlds oceans, increased tidal distances, damage to coastlines, increased U.V. rays increased risk of  skin burning, temperature of planet could rise substantially.

    5. cause ? = The increased poulation of people on the planet along with the industrial revolution are suggested to be key instruments in starting the damage but cfc's used in fridges are thought to have been a great driver in the depletion of the Ozone layer, ( a hole in this layer appears to have been directly above the poles that did unrepairable damage)

    effect: glaciers have been retreating since the 1800's

    6. cause: melting glaciers will decrease the ocean's salinity

    effect ? = salt actually keep alot of forms of bacteria minimised in the oceans, you could see plankton populatios greatly increase blocing out light to the seabed and destroying other life in the water beneath them.

    7. cause deep ocean currents are driven by highlysaline water of the North Atlantic. Heavy saltwater sinking to the ocean bottom in the north cause warm waters to flow northward.

    effect ? The braking of the underwater gulf stream, stopping warm areas staying warm. etc etc.

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