
Global warming question? please answer?

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Describe why the following statement is incorrect:

- Global warming could cause oceans to rise, so the greenhouse effect must be eliminated completely.





  1. the problem lies with the 'eliminated completely' phrase.

  2. The greenhouse effect is an affect caused by our atmosphere, if we were to eliminate the effect, we would have to eliminate our atmosphere which would cause blasts of radiation, and extreme temperatures that would kill us in days.

  3. u cant ELIMINATE COMPLETLY the greenhouse effect, because there will always be those gases in the air and nothing we dp can change that.

    and yes global warming IS causing oceans to rise

  4. In the next 100-150 years the oceans are supposed to rise.. and they're supposed to rise at about the same rate as they did the 100-150 years PRIOR to heavy industrialization.

    Just something to think about when you hear the global warming chicken littles running around screaming that the sky is falling..

  5. No i'ts true because green house effect causes global warming, Global warming causes heat. If it heat's to much the ocean's like in artic ocean they will melt and that causes water to rise...

  6. Without the greenhouse effect earth would have an average temperature of -18 degrees Celsius instead of +15 degrees like it is today.

    That wouldn't be very pleasant!

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