
Global warming: reach an agreement about pollution until 2050?

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Global warming: reach an agreement about pollution until 2050?




  1. OK, but  understand that this is likely to be too little too late unless the agreement reduces emissions by 80% before 2020.

    If the rate of reductions is driven by politics alone, it will not have a hope of accomplishing its objectives.

  2. There is no agreement to reach. We do not effect climate, end of story.

    The only agreement is whether we tar and feather or just banish the pro AGW loonies.

  3. Many scientist fear that in 2050, the Earth will be in a very cold period because of decreased activity on the Sun.

    "Instead of professed global warming, the Earth will be facing a slow decrease in temperatures in 2012-2015. The gradually falling amounts of solar energy, expected to reach their bottom level by 2040, will inevitably lead to a deep freeze around 2055-2060," he said, adding that this period of global freeze will last some 50 years, after which the temperatures will go up again.

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