
Global warming related question for my school paper, doesw anyone know?

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if polluters pay for the pollution they emit? i read about it but i dont know if its just a plan or is it actually a law or something




  1. The idea of "carbon credits" is a nebulous concept that states; as long as you pay into an unregulated fund started by Al Gore and private investors, you can pollute all you want and the money will go to plant trees.

    It is cheaper for certain industries to pay to pollute than it is, to fit smokestacks with scrubbers and other anti-pollution devices.  

    Paying carbon credits does nothing but transfer wealth from people to private investors and perhaps other countries in the form of "carbon taxes."

  2. there is no such thing is global warming it is one big lie after other some one tell you about it laugh in there face it is to scare you to death

  3. Yes polluters have to pay for the pollution they emit. Like suppose a car is emitting dark  smoke, then the car driver is charged for it, or if a company is responsible in throwing its waste in the lakes or rivers then that company has to pay the fine for polluting water. Its a law.

  4. are what you referring to a "cap-and-trade" program?

  5. i'm not sure but just hope its a rumor, which it most likely is

  6. Pray it is just a dumb thought that goes away before you get older.  

    If not, prepare for a lifestyle much less than your parents had.

    It is just a scheme to move money from developed countries (like the U.S.) to 3rd world dictators while middlemen (like Al Gore - up to $100 million so far) get rich.

  7. no, they don't.

    but they do get fined if significantly break, or lie about, any of the epa rules.

    that's why you see chemical plants moved to 3rd world countries.

    that's why you see burger king wrappers all over the street and sidewalk.

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