
Global warming science fair projects.?

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I cant seem to think of anything please help i need it really soon sorry to ask on such short notice please help!!!!!!!




  1. Go to the internet and Wikipedia, and explain we are in a current "ice age", and within a small window of warming called an "interglacial epoch".

    Clearly show climate over the last billion years, last millions of years, and the 100,00 year and 20,000 cycles.

    All to correct scale.

    Don't mention CO2.  You can cite the ice age data and give people an idea of the normal cycles and variance, without getting crucified about the CO2 controversy.

  2. hang a ball(looking like eath) in a glass ball. then get a blow torch and start burning a hole in the glass. put a powerful light by the "earth" and call it the sun. this shows the effect of global warming. btw the glass ball would would be the atmostphere.

  3. You could do a presentation about the sunspot cycle and correlate it with temperature changes recorded on Earth, Mars and Titan.

  4. roll up the windows on your car on a hot day and call it the greenhouse effect.

  5. Here's a fast one:

    Do you have a heat lamp? Any lamp with a incandescent bulb will do. The incandescent bulb is the one that is over your head when you have an idea.

    Have a material or object that is black.

    Have a material or object that is white.

    Show that the lamp, representing the sun, bounces off the white color (over 90% is reflected). This keeps the material cool.

    The black object will absorb the heat.

    This is a great example of how the ice caps are helping us bounce up the sun's rays. So when the polar ice caps melt, and the sun hits the absorbing ocean, the ice caps get smaller, so the planet heats up even faster, with less to reflect.

    Done. A+

  6. Good luck.

  7. The planet Venus has an EXTREMELY  thick atmosphere. It is so thick and heavy that if a human were to stand on the surface of the planet, they would be crushed simply by the weight of the gas in the atmosphere. While an atmosphere is necessary, an extremely thick one would kill us all. You could predict something about how thick the o zone layer on Earth will be if we continue to emit this much carbon. You could warn us not to end up like Venus.

    (BTW Nice flower)

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