Bob asked a question today saying "Why do skeptics think a few scientists (who disagree with each other) and blogs more believeable than thousands of climatologists and EVERY major scientific organization?";_ylt=Au_U0eiaQmL_BmgSJ1mr.NYFxgt.;_ylv=3?qid=20080129124435AA4ekBW
And the deniers are going nuts. "You think anyone who disagrees with you is uninformed or lazy or not legitimate or unserious", "there is no consensus", "consensus doesn't prove anything", etc. etc.
So let's see you back up your position with some scientific evidence. The AGW theory explains the data very accurately, so what alternative theory is better?
If the current warming is caused mostly by the Sun, show me a scientific paper with that conclusion. Nobody could last time I asked.;_ylt=AgS2qOApqjAAlFJiUIa8Hyfty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080124124728AAqNR8n
If it's a natural cycle, show me a study concluding such, etc.