
Global warming solution for the whole world?

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what are some ideas to help others in the world other then ourselves ...

like India and China, they dont really have a choice to stop using oil and stop production because they cant afford that, what can they do to help the world?

what can the US do to help the world because not contributing to Kyoto Protocol?

Australia...? other countries




  1. i guess plant a tree whereever you can, recycle, and put a cap on Japan's contribution to global warming...its not all their faults, but thats a lot of people, a lot of people mean a lot of factories

  2. in order to have a solution you must first accept that the problem is real, and, more importantly, man made.  There is a petition of over 19,000 scientists circulating at this time stating that man made warming is a farce.  No warming has occurred since 1998.  In fact, there is evidence of cooling in certain areas of the Arctic.  Why do scientists say it is happening?  simple, MONEY.  These people make their living by getting grants, and most academic types know, though would never acknowledge, that the way to funding is BE AN ALARMIST.

    not to mention the fact that the Kyoto Protocol would bankrupt the country.  I'm all for alternative fuels, but we aren't there yet.  Develop new oil reserves while searching for other sources.

  3. if the country on the whole isn't prepared to join kyoto, each state should do their bit in reducing Co2 emissions.

  4. Well, I don't believe in global warming personally,

    but I do believe in helping the enviorment.

    -Car Pooling

    -Turn off the water in the shower

    if you're not washing off your body.

    -Don't run water if you're not using it.


    -Buy recycled clothing (Sounds gross, but it;s not)

    - Pick up trash if you see it.

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