
Global warming stopped in 2001, why is the global fraud still being pushed?

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Dr David Evans was a consultant to the Australian Greenhouse Office from 1999 to 2005.,25197,24036736-7583,00.html




  1. Because in truth it has nothing to do with science.  The ideas behind it are purely political.  If another ice-age hit tomorrow and flowed down to Florida, to some, we'd still have global warming.

  2. Here's what William M. Gray has to say about the topic:

    Climate debate has 'life of its own'

    Our global climate's temperature has always fluctuated back and forth and it will continue to do so, irrespective of how much or how little greenhouse gases we put into the atmosphere.

    Although initially generated by honest scientific questions of how human-produced greenhouse gases might affect global climate, this topic has now taken on a life of its own.

    It has been extended and grossly exaggerated and misused by those wishing to make gain from the exploitation of ignorance on this subject.

    This includes the governments of developed countries, the media and scientists who are willing to bend their objectivity to obtain government grants for research on this topic.

    I have closely followed the carbon dioxide warming arguments. From what I have learned of how the atmosphere ticks over 40 years of study, I have been unable to convince myself that a doubling of human-induced greenhouse gases can lead to anything but quite small and insignificant amounts of global warming.

    The author is a professor of atmospheric science at Colorado where he is an expert in tropical meteorology.

  3. Jeez, more "wiki" websites.

    The reason it is still being pushed is because there has been millions of dollars invested and billions to be made.  The people involved in the investments won't stop until they see their billions of dollars.  Some people on this board have an interest because it guarantees them job security through government contracts for their so-called environmental agency.  It's funny, this one company in California will fly out to Chicago to do a watershed analysis.  Isn't there a local company that could do this analysis?  Seems like they are hypocrites.  It's all about the $$$$.

  4. For 3 reasons.

    1) Even if your claim were true, a 6-7 year span is too short to prove anything about global warming, which is a long-term trend, as you can see here.

    2) Your claim is false.  The planet continues to warm.

    3) Global warming is not a fraud.  See Myth #6.

    *edit* The NOAA and NASA GISS temperature graphs are almost identical.  They just look different because

    a) the NASA graph shows the 5-year running average whereas the NOAA graph just shows the yearly data.

    b) the NOAA plots seperate min and max temperature anomaly, whereas the NASA data just shows the average anomaly.

    Here is the equivalent NOAA graph:

    As you can see, it looks the same as the NASA GISS graph, and confirms that the planet continues to warm.

  5. Because global warming didn't stop in 2001.

    There are two problems with your graph: first, it's the GHCN Land Surface Data graph. That's LAND surface data, so it ignores the ocean, which is 70% of the Earth's surface.

    Second, your graph ends in 2005. Here's the same graph for the entire globe, including the sea, and ending in 2007:

    Oops. Still getting warmer.

  6. Dr David Evans was a consultant (programmer) to the Australian Greenhouse Office from 1999 to 2005.

    His Phd was in Electrical Engineering, so he is a qualified denier expert then

    And as the biggest dip in temp was 1999 & 2000, but 2001 saw the temp go back up by over 0.1deg to just below the 1998 high.

    I assume your update is directed at me as you didn't put a name at the top. What qualifies me how about 20 years working in a group studying climate change, long enough to know that the "Australian Greenhouse Office" is policy group not a research group, was setup by the Howard Government "who never excepted GW was a problem" and the AGO did little till 2007 when the new Rudd govt took power and made some move on GW.

    I don't assume they are retarded as I am an Australian. and the 'truth' of his qualification is in this site entered by the man himself and the second link is pretty much what was cut & paste in the new story

    The mans work was a computer model, the very thing that deniers say doesn't work to predict anything, or has that line changed.

  7. Follow the money (i.e. al gore and buddies)

    Any other questions, please visit our message board   we discuss a host of things there.

  8. this video is very concise

    and it has not stopped

  9. They changed it to "climate change" - now any time the climate changes, it's our fault.

    And no, what's NOT what they always said - for years they said "the planet has a fever" - now it's "fluctuations."

    They said Boston would have the climate of Atlanta.

    Well, this year it has the climate of Seattle.

  10. Why?

    Because AGW is the trojan horse for global socialism.

    Globalists want to control every aspect of our lives from birth to death. In their minds only they (global elite) are qualified to make decisions- not the "ignorant masses"(the rest of us).

    Liberal elitists claim we don't understand and question our intelligence.

      We understand perfectly.

    I'll make my own decisions thank you very much.......

  11. Global Warming is the cash cow of the 21st century.  Ask Al Gore.

  12. I don't know why people keep saying this. Global warming clearly stopped in 1940. Look at the chart!

    It also stopped in 1962, 1978, 1982, and 1990.

    It keeps stopping again and again and these weird scientists still believe it. How strange!

  13. Don't listen to all the REPUBLICAN rednecks in this forum. Forget WARMING....has NOTHING to do with POLITICS...or at least the approach to solving it shouldn't. It's amazing how stupid some people are to not realize that the problem is real. 99 percent of the world's top scientists agree that it is a real and urgent problem, yet you are pushing some Dr. David Evans...who has probably been paid by an a*****e like d**k Cheney to take people's minds off global that the corporate world could have an easy time doing what they do best...making a buck.

  14. Global warming is indeed real and has been documented with ice cores dating back tens of thousands of years.

    What is NOT real is the quackery that humans caused (or can even affect) global warming.

    The scare tactics being perpetrated upon us are only a money/power grab scheme by bottom-feeder politicians accompanied by their so-easily-led sheeple who take their prattle, even their movies, as hard science


    To find that my statement above is true, follow the money. See just who it is who will profit from the carbon offset, carbon tax, & etc.

    Here is truth about global warming:

    Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling.

    The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.

    This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.

    Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is

    becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).

    As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm).

    When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age.

    It's been happening for millions of years.

    The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY.

    As you probably know, computer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.

    Global warming/cooling, AKA 'climate change':

    Humans did not cause it.

    Humans cannot stop it.

  15. For decades, environmentalism has been the Left's best excuse for increasing government control over our actions in ways both large and small. It's for Mother Earth! It's for the children! It's for the whales!

    But until now, the doomsday-scenario environmental scares they've trumped up haven't been large enough to give the sinister prize they want most of all: total control of American politics, economic activity, and even individual behavior.

    With global warming, however, greenhouse gasbags can argue that auto emissions in Ohio threaten people in Paris, and that only global government can tackle such problems.

    National sovereignty? Democracy?

    Forget it: global warming has now brought the Left closer to global government, statism, and the eradication of individual rights than it has ever been before.

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