
Global warming && sustainability?

by Guest67064  |  earlier

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how do global warming && sustainability connect?!?!




  1. Because the Earth has a limited supply of natural resources, so overpopulation is a huge problem that is hardly ever addressed.  Overpopulation will lead to the depletion of natural resources causing more air pollution and the environment will suffer.

  2. (Randell), did a good job. There is small to medium farming that basically utilizes everything...nothing goes to waste. Yes it does disturb nature, but on a gradual scale and the impact is minuscule compare to large corporations. There's other examples of sustainability, recycling,replanting forest, but I think you get the gist.

  3. A bunch of people who don't like the way other people produce and consume insist that it's "unsustainable" - and the same people blame production and consumption on mankind, via the theory of global warming.

    Now, this is pure deceit.    If by "unsustainable" you mean that the world cannot just make and consume the things it makes and consumes in exactly the way it does now for the next 200 years, then yes, the present mode of production and consumption is "unsustainable" - but the market constantly rewards innovation.    It was unsustainable for the population to grow if we relied upon whale oil and the horse and buggy - and the market found substitutes.

    EDIT - Rami there is no such thing as overpopulation.    We keep producing more with less.    The freer the world economy, the more people escape poverty.   Global poverty has declined in the last 20 years at the fastest pace ever - precisely because of tax cuts and free trade.

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