
Global warming theorist?

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Since the USA is having one of the worse winters on record has the Global warming theorist rethought their bogus theory?




  1. No why

    Cause when the weather changes it effects everything not just warm things up

    The jet stream changes. Look at the Melting Greenland and the North pole now being used as a shipping lane in the summer

  2. Nope.  This has happened several times before.

    Weather factors can overcome global warming for a short time.  It happened in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000.  EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever.  Proof.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    As long as we keep making greenhouse gases in enormous amounts, global warming will dominate in the long run.  It's simple physics.

    birdog - people sloppily use both terms to mean the same thing.  Poor choice of words has nothing to do with scientific proof.

  3. Why do you think they changed the name to climate change. It gives them a much greater margin for error. Now even when the earth cools they can still say it's bad and caused by us.

    Ok Adam, explain to me the history of the terms and show how well informed you are.

  4. birdog,

    climate change and global warming are different things. The name was never changed, its just that uninformed people like you mixed everything up because you know everything.


  5. no. global warming is still as real as humans. every day a chunk of ice falls into the ocean, rising the level 0of the ocean. soon we will all b buried in water. if we dont take action, then many ppl will die and its beacuse of our electricity use. so reduce reuse recycle and relive.

  6. You mistake weather (a day to day or week to week phenomena) with climate (long term averages)

    Re Birdgog below: the term climate change refers to the fact that there are changes other than temperature such as variations in rainfall and storms.

  7. Can you please cite your scientific sources for the whole of the USA having one of the worst winters on record or are we talking about certain parts of the USA only? Can you also cite your scientific sources for certain parts of the USA now being considered as "Global"?

    It is not colder here and has not been a particularly cold winter. We have had very high winds and heavy rainfall which are outside of the normal weather patterns for winter in this part of the world.

    As to the "bogus theory" - just because a small number of people in America refuse to believe it that doen't make it bogus. Most people in the developed world not only recognise the validity of the science and the projections being made but are actually doing something about it.

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