
Global warming: true or false?

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I live near Portland, Oregon. This last winter has been somewhat unusual... more snow days than we typically see, and snowfall much later than expected (including today, April 19). With global warming being the biggest hype lately, I thought this kind of stuff wasn't supposed to happen. If global warming is a real problem, then why is this winter just dragging on for so long?




  1. Probably true, but harmless.

    Liberal lies have finally come back to bite them on the ***. They have forgotten the story of the Boy who cried Wolf.

  2. This is a strong year for La Niña, which cools the planet. So this year has been (and will be) cooler than 2007, which was the second-warmest year on record.

    That doesn't mean global warming is not happening. It does mean that normal fluctuations in the weather will continue to happen regardless.

  3. True.  Short term weather trends can overpower it, but only for a short time.

    This is just one below average winter, which doesn't mean a thing.  It happened in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000.  EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever.  Proof.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    As long as we keep making greenhouse gases in enormous amounts, global warming will dominate in the long run.  It's simple physics.

  4. They just don't know.

  5. Global warming is a political term. There are some local warming due to the greenhouse gases.

  6. The Earth's climate is always changing, the climate is never the same year to year.

    Yes, there was some warming in the 1980's - 1990's because the Sun was emitting more solar heat.

    But now, scientist believe that the Earth is now entering a cooler phase, as the Sun is less active as shown by the number of sunspots.

  7. ****

    I've heard it is attributed to ocean currents - this year is a la-ni~n~ya.

    I believe that ocean currents are affected by geothermal activity - which would mean that the weather is affected by volcanos or volcanic activity under the earths crust under the oceans...

    I call it "Earth heating" because it's more specific and it sounds ridiculous on a cold day.  I like how keith says even though it's cold it's still global warming.  GIVE ME A BREAK!  If it's cold how is it warming?  These global warming nuts attribute every single NORMAL and REPEATEDLY THROUGHOUT HISTORY OCCURING weather phenomemon to "global warming" - cold, hot, windy, snowy, hurricanes, no hurricanes, tornadoes, no tornadoes, drought, deluge whatever. (Stand by! Because of global warming It's going to be hotter this summer than it has been all year long!!! (said tongue in cheek))

    I'm curious where the CO2 came from that AlGore points to being associated with climate change....BEFORE cars and man came......

    I honestly think God is mocking the global warming theorists.  That is my sincere belief.  I think he is underminging the creed of a crazy sect that doesn't believe in anything but themselves and their science so they can discount the wisdom of a loving heavenly father....I think he has much more to do still....

    If science was so come we still have problems?  I'm becoming a doctor and can see the problems science has caused over the centuries just like any other thing - like the belief that the world was flat - euthanasia and sterilization from the biopsychology of criminal profiling - phrenology - prescription of heroin for whatever ails ya! - science is soooooo unreliable - in a perpetual state of change and disproof.  WE STILL HAVE DEATH and that's not george bush's fault....

    I think it's interesting to see what people believe in here.

    "Global warming" is a religion of its own.

    But I will say - I have heard it said that the year before Christ comes will be a worldwide global drought....

  8. FALSE... and now the mad scientists are calling Global Warming and Global Cooling, Global Climate Change, because they just can not seem to get it right. Thank all the Al Gore followers for swallowing up all his myths and lies. Hypocrite, that is what he is.

  9. One week, month, winter or year are way to short to be meaningful, when talking about long term global climate change.

    "The chaotic nature of weather means that no conclusion about climate can ever be drawn from a single data point, hot or cold. The temperature of one place at one time is just weather, and says nothing about climate, much less climate change, much less global climate change."

    And there are very good reasons why 1998 was a record warm year, and this may be a cold year.

    The eleven year solar cycle was at a peak around 1998.

    And that was the strongest El Nino year in a century.  El Nino is a phenomenon where waters in the south pacific ocean are warmer than usual, causing changes in wind patterns and currents which effect most of the world, with abnormal weather and generally warmer temps.

    This year has been the opposite in regard to both of the above forcings.  This is a La Nina year, the

    opposite of El Nino.

    And the solar cycle is now at it's low extreme.   The solar cycle will soon return to its upswing, and La Nina will end, bringing more normal temps.

    As far as AGW being a hoax or wrong, do you understand what the scienitific method is?

    All scientific theories have to be submitted to other scientists for scrutiny.  This is the process of peer review.  Anything that isn't peer reviewed is not real science.

    The IPCC third assessment report, on climate change,  is the most thoroughly peer reviewed scientific document in the history of science.

    Scientific evidence does not get any better than that.   Period!

    "The global warming is a hoax believers don't understand the difference between informed opinion, uninformed opinion, misinformed opinion and totally ignorant opinions."  from comments at

    posted by LeeAnnG

    Skeptic argument:  Scientists predicted cooling in the 70s.  So how can we trust them?

    There was a theory that included 7 scientific papers predicting global cooling.  One of the lead scientists recanted 3 years later, saying he underestimated the amount of CO2.

    There was no consensus whatsoever that cooling would happen.  In fact at the same time, there were 42 scientific papers predicting Glogal Warming, AGW.   So actually, the  vast majority of climate science was leaning toward warming.

    "Over time, William Connelly has been steadily documenting 70's research predicting global cooling. It's a rich resource but as he admits, could be more accessible. Now he has collaborated with Thomas Peterson and John Fleck to publish The Myth of the 1970's Global Cooling Scientific Consensus, due to be published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society."

    "The paper surveys climate studies from 1965 to 1979 (and in a refreshing change to other similar surveys, lists all the papers). They find very few papers (7 in total) predict global cooling. This isn't surprising. What surprises is that even in the 1970's, on the back of 3 decades of cooling, more papers (42 in total) predict global warming due to CO2 than cooling."

    "So in fact, the large majority of climate research in the 1970s predicted the Earth would warm as a consequence of CO2. Rather than climate science predicting cooling, the opposite is the case. Most interesting about Peterson's paper is not the debunking of an already well debunked skeptic argument but a succinct history of climate science over the 20th century, describing how scientists from different fields gradually pieced together their diverse findings into a more unified picture of how climate operates. A must read paper."

    "It's easy to refute all the contrarian arguments but that seems to have very little effect on how commonly they are believed. Refuted arguments seem to live on in the public imagination."

    Michael Tobis Ph.D. - University of Texas Institute for Geophysics

    "There's a better scientific consensus on this [climate change] than on any issue I know - except maybe Newton's second law of dynamics".

    Dr. James Baker - NOAA

    "A handful of "contrarian" scientists and public figures who are not scientists have challenged mainstream climatologists' conclusions that the warming of the last few decades has been extraordinary and that at least part of this warming has been anthropogenically induced. What must be emphasized here is that, despite the length of this section, there are truly only a handful of climatologist contrarians relative to the number of mainstream climatologists out there."

    Great site showing overwhelming support for IPCC findings.

  10. You're using weather patterns to refute a CLIMATALOGICAL (relating to CLIMATE) theory

  11. Listen up all of you right wing evangelicals in disguise. If you had actually attended a real school instead of being home schooled on that evangelical BS, you would have the answers to all of your questions already. You see, you can pray all you want but the only thing that is gonna solve problems in this world is science and technology. So just let the overwhelming majority of scientists that agree that anthropogenic global warming is real solve the problem and you stop confusing the issue by believing right wing driven, jesus-camp sponsored groups like the Heartland Institute. Go back to reading your bible and being igonorant and let the real people (AKA, scientists) solve the problem. I can guarantee you, scientists will solve the problem faster than your "god" who is just about as real as ceiling cat, the flying-spaghetti monster and the invisible pink unicorn deity.

  12. Global warming: True, but blown way out of proportion.

    Climate change: Is a more scientific term, it maybe getting warmer in other countries but I don't think Scotland has had colder weather before with what's going on up here.

  13. It is not a question of true or false. All sane people already know global warming to be a hoax. The questionh is how this hoax persisted for so so long! This hoax has already cost society trillionjs of dollars in lost productivity. Ask the poor in Africa and other undeveloped countries what they think of this hoax. Why do you think they are now having food shortages. If you want the answer it is because some global warming wacko thought it a good idea to use food as a fuel!

    How many children have gone to bed hungry because the money is not there for food? How many children could have been fed with the trillion USD wasted on nonsense? Do some reading. All and I mean ALL reputable scientists know that there is NO scientific evidence to support global warming. Read the Wall Street Journal for Apr 18 2008. Read the article by Patrick Michaels the top professor of environmental studies in the country at the Univ. of Virginia. Also read how scientific evidence is altered by junk scientists to meet the goals of the global warmist loonies!. Look at the weather across much of the country and tell me if you have not read of more cold spells! More people die of cold weather than of hot weather. You may ask, "what is wrong with believing in global warming even though it is a hoax?" I can tell you what is wrong "it hurts the lives of billions of people and for some unfortunates it costs them their lives". So please write your gov't representative and lets at least get the gov't to not waste our moneyon this hoax! Let's get global warming to be considered a religion where those who want to worship earth as a god can do so but those who worship the true God are not forced to believe also. This would also get the gov't out of the global warming hoax in order to keep the separation of church and state.

  14. The icecaps are melting        on Mars. Hmmmmmm?

  15. Common misconception. Global warming will NOT affect how any particular season plays out. Your winters won't be shorter, your summers aren't going to be particularly longer or hotter.  The changes that are happening aren't all that noticeable over short periods of time (years).  The average global temperature has not risen drastically (that is, drastic enough that we feel it on a day-to-day basis).

    Check out this graph from NASA :

    The increase has been in tenths of degrees C.  So, some people say, so what? Maybe global warming does exist, but why should it matter if it's such a small change?

    The simple answer is that a change of a few degrees C will devistate life on Earth.  Species will go extinct, the oceans will warm and be less able to absorb CO2 (thus adding to greenhouse gas concentrations)...

    In short : global warming's not going to make this year's winter shorter.

  16. global warming: false. global warming is for paranoid tree-huggers ;)

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