
Global warming. when are we going to die?

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omg i think i'm reading too much) i'm terrified of what's happening to the Earth and can't even go to sleep) so when are we going to die, as well as animals and plants?




  1. I think that we have not to think about it because every body died.

  2. No, we aren't all going to die from a few degrees rise in temperature.  I may costs us more to live the way we are now accustom to.  The ecosystems that support plant, animal, and human life could drastically change. This could drive some plants and animals to extinction (ones humans don't think they need).  It could reduce biodiversity and make life harder on people in the future.  We can't really be sure of the exact impacts.  That why there is a problem - we know it is getting warmer, we know there are natural factors and human factors causing the warming,  we know climate will change as a result, we know ecosystems that make life comfortable for our species are going to change, but we can't determine with a great deal of confidence how much, how soon and in what way.  

    The are a lot of "coulds" in the above. That is why it is important to slow down green house gas emissions.  It can reduce the speed and severity of the change.  This helps reduce uncertainty and give us more time to investigate and respond.

  3. i know this might sound selfish but i dont care cuz ima be dead when global warming hits will full force. ima pollute all i want. at this point i can really care less about my grandkids.

  4. I guess you dont have anything better to worry about

  5. global warming isn't a catastrophic event that is going to kill people like a volcano or earthquake.   It is an event that will change the climate of the earth which will dramatically affect our global infrastructure.

  6. you die when your heart stops for an extended period of time.

  7. Everyone dies eventually you need to let God handle that or else you are going to worry you own self to death"literally"

  8. Well, not to scare you more but if my Astronomy teacher in college was right it will be around 2012.   According to him, 2012 is when the next major meteor is supposed to come "close" to hitting Earth.  He claims that the measurements for determining whether it skims past us or slams right into us are not completely 100% accurate and that slight miscalculations can make a major difference in the projected path of this meteor.   Take that into account along with all the other doomsday prophecies about 2012, you know the end of the Mayan calendar and it's claiming of the Apocolypse, and some groups interpretations of the Bible Apocolypse occuring in the same year, and the fact that we are past due for being smacked right into by a meteor...and you could believe the doomsday stories.   If the meteor hits us, we're dead.  If it doesn't, then humanity will likely die off at a much slower pace to do weather changes, loss of food sources, loss of habitable landscapes, etc. caused by global warming.  The latter scenario will be much more gradual than the meteor scenario.

  9. I think its a bunch of bull, the weather changes we have only been watching the weather for like 100 years. we are not going to die from global warming, the earth changes its normal. don't worry. ( I worry about stuff like this but we can't control it , and i know thats what makes it scary but just like the person above me said its in Gods hands and just live life as if it was your last day.) Hope that helped and stop worrying. lol

  10. u die wen ur heart stop its work

  11. I am not a huge bible fan but I have always found these words set me straight when I get too worried from all the BS we have stuffed down our throats.


    Reflections of a Royal Philosopher

    1 The words of the Teacher,a the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

    2 Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher,b

    vanity of vanities! All is vanity.

    3 What do people gain from all the toil

    at which they toil under the sun?

    4 A generation goes, and a generation comes,

    but the earth remains forever.

    5 The sun rises and the sun goes down,

    and hurries to the place where it rises.

    6 The wind blows to the south,

    and goes around to the north;

    round and round goes the wind,

    and on its circuits the wind returns.

    7 All streams run to the sea,

    but the sea is not full;

    to the place where the streams flow,

    there they continue to flow.

    8 All things are wearisome;

    more than one can express;

    the eye is not satisfied with seeing,

    or the ear filled with hearing.

    9 What has been is what will be,

    and what has been done is what will be done;

    there is nothing new under the sun.

    10 Is there a thing of which it is said,

    "See, this is new"?

    It has already been,

    in the ages before us.

    11 The people of long ago are not remembered,

    nor will there be any remembrance

    of people yet to come

    by those who come after them.

    The Futility of Seeking Wisdom

    12 I, the Teacher,d when king over Israel in Jerusalem, 13applied my mind to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven; it is an unhappy business that God has given to human beings to be busy with.

    14  I saw all the deeds that are done under the sun; and see, all is vanity and a chasing after wind.e

    15 What is crooked cannot be made straight,

    and what is lacking cannot be counted.

    16 I said to myself, "I have acquired great wisdom, surpassing all who were over Jerusalem before me; and my mind has had great experience of wisdom and knowledge." 17And I applied my mind to know wisdom and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also is but a chasing after wind.f

    18 For in much wisdom is much vexation,

    and those who increase knowledge increase sorrow.

  12. First off take a deep breath...ok now let us play devils advocate here and say that it will all happen tommorrow at noon. Now does this really make any difference to you having a real date, time? It should not. Becouse even in the worst case scenarios the ultimate end will still come to all of us eventually becouse no one... no one get's to live forever. Even if you could would you really want too? Think about it and have some faith in something bigger than yourself and you may be surprised at how you look at things afterward.


  13. THANK YOU  Sarah K!

    Finally. The reason we hardly ever hear the term 'global warming' anymore is because someone found out that the evidence of this didn't mean squat. That we've been having the same changes since the dawn of time. Yet we're still here.

    It is CLIMATE CHANGE. Not global warming that we need to be concerned with. And there is nothing to say that it will wipe out life on earth. I personally think that our bodies will evolve with the weather kind of like building up an immunity to drugs. Even if we don't - the big hat scientists get given, what? billions of dollars to research these things. I think they'll take 5 minutes of genius time to think of an if-we-still-haven't-found-an-answer-in-t... Plan B.

    So no worries mon!


    (unless you'd rather concern yourself with the fact that your body is in a permanent state of deterioration and it will eventually decompose to a point where your organs shut down beyond repair and your only option is to harvest the organs of corpses until too many shut down for you to replace and you die)

  14. its not global warming.

    its global climate change.

    keywords, climate change.

    that doesnt mean that WERE going to die.

    it will be around the time when your kids, kids, kids, kids, kids, kids, kids, grandkinds, grandkids, kids, kids, kids, are alive that you would even have to worry about that.

  15. tomorrow.

  16. no one is going to die. in fact less people may freeze to death in some places.

  17. When are "WE" going to die? Chances are "YOU" and "I" are going to die before global warming kills us. Think of it like this, a humans death is like the speed of light, It happens so fast that one can not fathom the amount of time it took for the light to travel from the bulb to the other side of the room. Since global warming is an earth crisis, its life is relative to ours, but on a much larger scale. While we may not reap the direct tragedies of global warming, our children's generation might. Health problems may slowly arise, as well as economic inflation, rising sea water, unusual percepitation patterns, which can result in disasterous weather. It is no surprise that species of plants and animals will eventually die, considering 99% of animals ever known to exist no longer do. But we must remember with the death of old species comes new. So yes evolution takes place. The earth has had 4 ice ages, which has naturally cleansed the environment and made way for organismal developement and diversification. As far as the animilia or plantae kingdoms diminishing, If patterns continue they will evolve and change, but as far as being extinct any time in the next thousand years is highly doubtful. That is only if patterns stay consistent, who knows a meteor could break through the atmosphere into an ocean and send turbulent waves and winds over the land, or may even hit land and start massive fires, which then would melt the ice caps rapidly and rise sea level, destroying all land life.

    That's only a slight possibility though. The possibilities are endless. Find something that concerns you the most, whether it be on the micro or macro scale get good at it and do your best to change it. If not I recommend smoking from your pipe because there is no point in worrying if your not going to do anything about it.

  18. in my dad's age, "global cooling" was the earthly destruction of choice. hmm what a flip-flop...

  19. dont take it so seriouse its just life nobody gets out alive anyways so while you are alive just enjoy it ;)

  20. I think of Global warming in the same manner as I think about the second coming and the rapture.  I can only do what I can to not contribute to the negative side, and I should die tomorrow, or next week or next year that will be my day rapture.

  21. If you are reading too much, it certainly isn't science or history books.

    Learn some basic science and you will soon realize what a pathetic, evil, and dangerous scam so-called 'global warming' really is.

    We all are going to die eventually, since we all suffer from a terminal illness called LIFE!

    I personally do not want to know when my time is going to be up.

    I do know that nobody will ever die from 'GLOBAL WARMING' but many people may eventually freeze to death in another future 'ICE AGE'!

  22. The Mayans Predicted that Earths Final day is December 21st 2012. Nostradamos Predicted An Astroud Will Hit Earth One Missed Mars On the 30th January 2008 and is Heading Streat for our planet.

                     2012 THE WORLD WILL END......

  23. 12/12/12

    look it up on youtube. scary.

  24. i don't think we r going to die... even if we die... plants n animals will remain here

  25. No, worries.

    The earth will not die when you will be here.

    It is estimated to be billions of years until the sun will die.

    The most terrible thing is not global warming, but if the sun were to die.

    But i can insure it will not. Our sun [star] is in its "main sequence" step in its life. The mid point in life for a star

  26. god knows

  27. yea..........I could sit around and worry about that----but----how ironic it would be to waist time doing that when all along I had cancer and didn't know it and died this time next month,while the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day,and global warming had NOTHING to do with it!.....I say that as a cancer survivor of two years now.........for petes sake,enjoy your days you have left regardless of what fate awaits you....time is toooo short to waist....let God take care of when and how..thats his job.

  28. You have what is called over analysis paralysis.

    Remember that the Global Warming is a cycle that the earth goes through. Humans haven't been here all thlat completely understand it all. You need to know that there are many different opinions concerning Global Warming.

    My son a meterologist says that the earth is in constant  cycles and that, sure we need to take care of the earth, but we are not in danger for millions of years and by then who knows what the earth will be or who will live there.

    Don't worry so much, but do what you can as one person. You can't change the whole world, You can change how you do things and stop the fear. You have the here and now, make the best of it

  29. I think your just a bit paranoid, we are all gonna die anyway... Don't worry about dying its inevitable.. worry about what you can do to help... here are some articles I read that can help raise awareness....

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