
Global warming - will they believe it when their feet are wet?

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In spite of the IPCC reports, the agreement of the vast majority of Earth Scientists, reputable sites like New Scientist's and numerous other sources that arn't part of some "cover up" or political lobby, there are still people out there talking quackery with a mass of Meta-knowledge from the huge forces that don't want GW to be true.

If i believed in Noah's Ark I'm quite sure there would have been some one telling people not to worry it was all a plot the day before the rain started.

I say don't listen to anyone who got their knowledge second hand, go to an independant scientific site, find the name of some lonely sod who actually measures the receding ice caps and listen to him and his co-workers.

Do you think if the Greenland snowcap does actually finish melting these people will suddenly become very quiet?




  1. We have now had 10 years of colder or stable temperatures

    These figures come for the official people who monitor global temperatures, not some oil industry lobby or propagandist.

    The questions it raises are. How can we have 10 years of cooler temperatures while at the same time we have rising CO2 levels?

    How come the computer models that predicted disastrous warming for 20 - 50 years time failed to predict this decade long drop in temperatures.

    It would seem to me that the role of CO2 in our atmosphere has been overestimated. It is a factor, but only one in many.

    Those scientist who express doubt about the anthropgenic global warming hypothesis have been systematically excluded from committees, advisory panels, international conferences and mainstream media simply in an effort to maintain the fiction that there is a scientific consensus - there isn't

  2. Hear hear! I love the way that three decades of repeated, intensive study by some of the world's best scientists and repeated warnings by respected, impartial institutions backed by comprehensive evidence is dismissed as "a conspiracy". If your doctor says "you need an operation or you'll die in a year", you'd get that operation rather sharpish, yet apply that scenario to a global scale and half the population turns into a bunch of idiots.

  3. If you believe this malarkey, would you show it by no longer using electricity or gasoline starting today?

    If you really believe that you are causing global warming, prove it by only using a bicycle and turning off all your power to your house or apartment.

    When we no longer see you on Y!A, we'll know you are a true believer.

    The same goes for the other "believers."  If I see any of you still on Yahoo tomorrow I will know that you are hypocrites and don't really believe the "global warming" hype.

  4. the greenland ice cap & antarctic ice are growing not melting  how quiet are you?

    check the news occasionally instead of just letting your imagination run wild.

  5. Don't worry. You are not going to drown due to the theory of global warming.

  6. Three decades of research?  Wow, that means the global warming alarmism began right after the global cooling alarmism ended.  When global warming proves not to be a problem, are you going to switch back to global cooling for the next 30 years?

    And for this myth that glaciers (not snowcap) are melting in Greenland, as recently as 2005 studies show that the glaciers in Greenland are GROWING not melting.

    This year, other studies show the ice is continuing to grow.

    So, now I must ask, who is getting their knowledge second hand?  Might you have gotten yours from the acclaimed scientist, Algore?

    EDIT:  Also, what is the problem with doubt and skepticism?  A scientist should invite criticism.  How can a theory become law unless the theory is tested and tested and tested to show that it is true?  Why is criticism and testing of global warming so alarming to the alarmists?  Is it perhaps because they have something to hide?  Maybe their hypothesis doesn't hold water?

  7. I doubt it, denial can be a very powerful thing.

  8. Funny you mention the Ark...according to the Bible (in Genesis), God said afterward he would never flood the world again.

    My knowledge, however, comes from my formal education:  The Earth has been warming for a little longer than 150 years.  No evidence to date suggests we've exceeded the continuation of this trend.

  9. theyll try to say it was inevitable. but we're totally speeding up the process, so not giving our planet the time it needs to evolve with the changes.

  10. I've seen articles that have 0 citiation and yet everyone is citing them as perfect evidence. It's called doubt. All you need is one person saying one thing that goes against what everyone else is saying and confusion brews, creating a mess.

    There are some more legit sites with better citing but those articles sound confused, themselves! They usually start out saying how this disproves global warming and then mention that the scientist that said it isn't sure himself with his new theory and they give you a non-factual political statement by some conservative.

    Well anyway, I completely agree! You don't see any disbelief or even questioning doubt in any Independent scientific magazine or source. The problem I think with people is that there is no citation. It's all original work with original stats and it's trust or don't.

    The facts are right there for everyone, so why do we go on sites called mythbusters? Why do we read into what politicians that are backed by Shell say? Why do we pick on one environmentalist (Al Gore) who may or may not deserve it just to help others believe that global warming is wrong?

  11. Maybe if the Greenland ice cap actually melts.  Right now it's at normal levels.

    I'll believe global warming once the feeling returns to my feet.

  12. Have you ever wondered why sea levels rose before human industrialization?  Something to think about..

  13. looks like our feet will be more frozen than wet

  14. Nah, no chance.  They'd all die if they had to shut up for 5 minutes.

  15. There's no doubt that the earth is getting warmer, but the argument is what's causing it: humans or a natural cycle?

  16. It certainly wouldn't be the first time the Greenland ice cap has melted. Maybe it can be farmed, help solve world hunger.

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