
Global warming:Is it a problem?

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  1. It's surprising that you are asking this question when the whole world is busy trying to prevent it.

    Of all the affetcs of global warming, the biggest threat is the possibility of inundating low lying coastal areas by rising sea level.

    If you are living on hill top - relax.

  2. No. The earth has been getting gradually warmer for thousands of years. All we have to do is adapt.

  3. Global warming is just a fancy feared way of saying "Its getting hot."

    -Adam C its not that im denying the fact, i dont care. Im going to die. i cant prevent it. i cant choose how i die short of suicide. i know my God will protect me

  4. Was global cooling a problem?

    The continued rapid cooling of the earth since WWII is in accord with the increase in global air pollution associated with industrialization, mechanization, urbanization and exploding population.

    —Reid Bryson, “Global Ecology; Readings towards a rational strategy for Man”, (1971)

    This [cooling] trend will reduce agricultural productivity for the rest of the century.

    —Peter Gwynne, Newsweek 1976

    There are ominous signs that the earth’s weather patterns have begun to change dramatically and that these changes may portend a drastic decline in food production—with serious political implications for just about every nation on earth. The drop in food production could begin quite soon… The evidence in support of these predictions has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologist are hard-pressed to keep up with it.

    —Newsweek, April 28, (1975)

    This cooling has already killed hundreds of thousands of people. If it continues and no strong action is taken, it will cause world famine, world chaos and world war, and this could all come about before the year 2000.

    —Lowell Ponte in “The Cooling”, 1976

    If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder by the year 2000. … This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age.

    —Kenneth E.F. Watt on air pollution and global cooling, Earth Day (1970)

  5. no it is a big problem

  6. hi

       Global warming is one of the main problem because it causes lot of polutions which is harmful to human beings. it also produces holes in ozone layer which causes many problem to human.

  7. nooo its healthy

  8. Nope :) At this rate, in 10 years we will be able to get oil tankers into the Arctic Circle to drill at 25% of the world's oil... completely untouched :)

  9. Most scientific opinion says that Anthropogenic Climate Change, that is climate change generated by human behaviour, is a fact. There are still a number of sceptics around, for some reason mostly in America, but they are getting fewer and fewer. It is difficult to ignore the data from ioce cores and satellite monitoring of the ice caps and glaciers.

    The melting of the polar ice caps and sea level rise would have a catastrophic effect on all nations, as developed and developing both have major cities in low lying areas. It is not "somebody else's problem" it is a problem for us all.  

  10.   definatly it is majar problme we have find out the salution. Yes we will

      and we should .  

  11. definitly we need to emprove our envirment we use way to much gas! allthough us having george busch as our president didnt help at all!!!!! GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!

  12.      THERE  IS  A  LOT TO WORRY  

    Are u really asking it ?

    I mean are u asking it sarcastically?

    it is a huge problem. and every individual should do his own bit to solve it.

  13. @ JcL:

    ozone depletion is not caused by CO2. its caused by CFCs, and this problem was solved long ago.

    Global warming is caused by CO2.

    thought that was basic knowledge...

  14. Yes global warming has becme a major problem for the whole mankind.The earth's temperature is rising slowlybut it is like sloow poison and it won't have any effects on us now but later its going to be a big hectic for mankind. Scientist say that after few years the whole of the earth's ice caps will melt and whole of the earth will summerge especially the low lying areas  

  15. If you think it is, explain why the "Ozone Hole" is at the South Pole, but all the CO2 emitters (US, China, Russia, Europe) are all in northern hemisphere.  Shouldn't we at least figure this out before we make statements like GW is a problem?

    It may be a problem, and then again, I may hit the lotto.

  16. To start with, I would say yes its a big problem and to let you understand, I support my stand with following lines:

    * In simplest term GW is an abnormal process of increased trapping of terrestrial radiations by increased concentration of Green House gases, resulting in an increased temp. of earth atmosphere.

    * One more thing which qualifies to be mentioned here is that it is not only CO2 which is responsible for GW(as most people believe). There are six major gases(called Green House gase) which contribute towards this phenomenon. These are CO2, CH4, CFC/HFC, Oxides of N2, SF6, Perchlorocarbon and even Water Vapour!!

    Now the harms of GW are:

    1. Melting of polar ice caps resulting in increased sea level(it would further increased with expn. of warm water.)

    2. GW will bring about changes in rainfall pattern and hence the agricultural areas and forest would be affected.

    3. Due to unfavourable conditions in certain areas, GW will also result in uncontrolled large scale human migration which will affect the peace and security and hence destabilise the world order.

    Now to conclude I will give you some visible effects as example:

    1. There is an estimated rise in ocean waves height by 2-3 meters since 1990.

    2. Tuvalu Island is the first Island which is going to be submerged into sea.

    3. The temp. of summers both in northern and southern hemisphere is increasing. Ten hottest summers have been recorded after 1990.

    4.There has been a increase in intensity and frequency of El-Ninos.

    I can give you alot more examples but space dont allow me. for any further query you can mail me but please take it seriously and believe that its not a myth but GW is really there. Be alert and do whatever you can on your part to subside it.

    Thank You

  17. No it is not a problem and it never was a real life problem only another oil company marketing scam to enable them to raise their prices to make up for the profits President Reagan cost them when he bankrupted the Soviet Union by forcing world oil prices down. By using the theme of the world is running out of oil and becoming rare they were able to sell the higher prices for a while and then one of their marketing people discovered the concept of Co2 causing the world to warm up and burning oil caused it. They then researched potential competitive products to oil and discovered hydrogen and how expensive it would be in burning coal or oil to make the electricity to make hydrogen.

    It was discovered that gasoline and other fuels would need to be in the $8 to $10 range before hydrogen would be a competitive fuel in the market and so joined the AGW promotion as part of the ramp up promotion to the hydrogen highway program. This then allowed them to engage in speculative price manipulation to begin the dollar a year increase in prices. This year we almost reached $5 a gallon in some areas and next year it will push to near $6 on its way up so that when hydrogen fueled vehicles arrive on the market in a few years the pump prices of gas and diesel will be at a point where hydrogen can be competitive.

    Global warming is not a conqueror to kneel before - but a challenge to rise to. A challenge we must rise to.

    Joe Lieberman

  18. Natural 'global warming' (small caps) is not a problem.

    It is gradual, usually happens within a restricted temperature range, and allows time for ecologies and species to adapt.

    AGW - rapid man-made temperature change is a problem - for life that currently exists on this planet (including humans) as the consequent changes are extreme and fast not allowing much time to evolve or adapt (the third option is to die out).

    This is perhaps the bigger problem: A lack of knowledge or understanding about AGW, its consequences and potential responses that stifle rational debate:

    First we have the ignorance:

    Edg1 is talking about natural climate change. This forum isn't about that and AGW proponents would agree that natural warming is not a problem. ('A' - Anthropogenic, not NGW - natural global warming).

    Confusing AGW with natural climate change doesn't help a rational and useful debate.

    JcL has confused two completely different environmental issues. The hole in the ozone layer is not related to AGW (except in their causes).

    Kevin, on the other hand, is a good example of the denialist stage.

    "just a fancy feared way of saying "Its getting hot."" - the word 'just' implies everything is OK. Frogs in a pot of cold water that is gradually warmed up also don't get bothered - they think it's just getting hot. Before they know it, they've been boiled to death!

    Sarah uses the same MAD logic that drove the cold war; if the world is getting warmer due to high energy consumption a rational solution would not be to turn the air conditioners up higher and consume even more energy!

    We need to help people understand and accept the issue before we can proceed to the real need - discussing appropriate responses.

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