
Global - warming:Take a test for the following four questions?

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1.What is ozone?

a).Related to oxygen

b).A polutant

c).An important part of the atmosphere

d).All of the above

2.What does not contribute towards global warming?

a).Methane from livestock

b).The hole in the ozone layer

c). Industrial pollutants

d).Auto emmissions

3.Which country is the most green-friendly





4.What are the greenhouse gases?

a).Inert gases

b).Fuel used by farmers

c).Vapours rising off greenhouses

d).Heat trapping atmospheric gases




  1. 1.c)




    Am I right? Am I wrong?

  2. Too long....

  3. one D

    two B

    three A

    four D

    just a generalized guess :)

  4. First the ozone layer is so high that most gases don't get there. The hole in the ozone layer is at the pols and is because of the magnetic field. The ozone layer is formed where the solar winds collide with the earth's field .

        Methane ; if it is out there I can not measure it, or find any large amount is. Methane is very light and explosive. Our high altitude have not ran into any methane.

  5. 1. c)

    2. a)

    3. b)

    4. d)

    I think i got 3 wrong =P

  6. 1d

    2c (in general . it could also be B because the hole in the ozone layer cools the planet because ozone is a greenhouse gas.)

    3a (it could be C as well)


  7. 1. C

    2. A

    3. B

    4. D

  8. 1 c

    2 b

    3 a

    4 d

  9. 1. c

    2. a

    3. a?

    4. d

    post the answers before the question closes!

  10. D,B,A,D

  11. C, A, B, D

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