
Global warming:human's ignorance or crime?

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it would be better if i got ur ideas from d crime point of view..




  1. human ignorance, which is becoming human negligence, and hopefully will become a crime one day.

  2. total bollox!!

  3. it started as ignorance. but with all the research and information we now know about the cuases and effects and possibly bleak future, we should be doing more about it. to know that you're contributing to the end of the planet adn civilization as we know it but not help change is a crime and there are quite a few politicians including MR. Dubbaya Bush that deserve a swift kick in the stones for denying it. >:(

    ok and for those who believe that scientists and politicians manipulate data to show facts that global warming exists, thats crud. what could you possibly have to personally gain from saving the planet? its not economically profitable. in fact, its going to be globally expensive to change the way we've come to live. but for some reason people like al gore  think that saving the rest of the world is a good idea. wow what an s.o.b. right? lmao

  4. Yea it may be happening... but the ivebergs always melt a little bit in the summer..... its like O MY GOD..... THE ROOSTER WENT PEE.... IT MUST BE GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!! ANYTHING THAT HaPPENS IS BLAMED FOR GLOBAL WARMING!  they say were all gonna die.... but the said 20 years ago we were all gonna die because of GLOBAL COOLING...... are we dead....? NO!!!!!!!! so... it may be happening... slowly... but on the news they show the same polar bear and the same iceberg... tell me if u ever see a new one please!....... but other wise it's just people who think its happening are the ones who are making it happen (ALGORE)!

  5. Fraud is a crime.

    1 a: deceit, trickery; specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right b: an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : trick

    However, fraud is not possible against an aware, ignorance is also needed on the part of the victim.

  6. Both:  Ignorance by people who believe what they are being told without question.

    It is a crime the way a group of scientists manipulate the data, to give them the results they want in order to push their political agenda.

  7. Genocide is a crime, and also is ethnic cleansing. Intent to harm, now that the events are understood to be catastrophic, would be the remaining factor in defining the profit seeking ruling class war on the masses through fossil fuel combustion, a crime.

    That's my view.

  8. It was ignorance at first, as it wasn't widely known. But now with more and more scientists and citizens screaming out for a different way, it's become a crime.

    And honestly, it's gotten to the point where it doesn't even matter if GW is real or not or man made. It's the concept that people KNOW it's at LEAST a possibility and yet they laugh at it.

    People know what they're doing and still do it. happily too. so it's a crime

  9. Neither.  Global warming......and Cooling......occur in cycles....Naturally.  The Earth's climate is NOT static.....PERIOD!!

  10. A crime -  those who overlook the damage they're doing to the world and just want to make money.  Draining our resources and causing irreversible damage.

  11. AmeriKa is the WORST OFFENDING COUNTRY  in the WORLD... because AmeriKans are so ignorant and arrogant they refuse to believe the truth.

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