
Globasl Warming?

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i want to know if global warming is a bunh of lies or not. i want to know if like we will like die in like how many years. my friends told me in 10 years we will die of it. what do you think? what do you think about global warming?

thanks ;]




  1. Global warming is a natural phase of Earth, caused by some Solar Activities by Sun. We human don't have to bother about it. Some of the environmentalist says that this is because of the CO2 we are emitting into the environment, but the reality is that we are just contributing towards 1% to 10% of actual global warming.

    If the actual cause of Global Warming is CO2 emitted by the humans then why Global Warming occures on other planets. Just Google for "Global Warming on other planets" and see the results, there are no humans on other planets.

    Having too little CO2 in the environment will cause for the plants to die more early, more over it also cools down the temperature on earth.

    Having too much CO2 (obiviously, not caused by humans. Mostly generated in the Sea/Oceans) will lead to Green House effect and will lead in increasing the temperature on Earth.

    So, the best is to plant more trees so that there would be a balance for the consumption of CO2 on the planet.

    I personally think that instead of thinking on this baseless issue try to think on what if Nuclear War broke out in the world, it will destroy Earth more rapidly.

    So, next time whenever somebody says you about global warming, just ignore it.

  2. Billions of years ago the earth was a lot warmer than it was today until plants arose and fixed the CO2 from the environment into biomass. The atmosphere cooled but today we are burning this biomass which is our source of coal. This releases the CO2 back into the atmosphere. As of right now we have CO2 reservoirs that keep immense amounts of CO2 from escaping into the atmosphere. These reservoirs are the ocean, polar ice caps, etc. Sooner or later they will give out and CO2 levels will be too toxic to support human life. The earth is gradually warming over time because of the increase in CO2 which traps greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This warms the polar ice caps which releases trapped CO2. Also, the oceans are warming, and the warmer the oceans get, the less able they are to trap CO2 in their depths. For now, the forests and such are new and growing so they use a lot of CO2 in their production. But they will age and their CO2 usage will slow down. So you see, there are many relations to global warming. To top it off, human growth is exponential and we are using all our water resources at a rate too fast for our ecosystem to handle. If something isn't done soon, Earth is going to become a shithole unable to sustain human life basically. If you don't believe in global warming, you are basically ignorant and ignoring all the signs. Look at the charts people.

  3. What are you people talking about? Global warming is a very serious threat. Not to the planet but to us. The earth has survived this long without us but we haven't. We are nothing compared to the life of earth. THE PLANET IS GETTING HOTTER! Believe it. No matter what they say we are going to have some big problems in the future if we don't stop using gas like there's no tomorrow. Because if we do there will be no tomorrow for future generations. Yes we are going to ruin the planet. Every single one of the billions of people on this earth have to make a change so that we don't mess this beautiful planet up anymore than we already have. PEOPLE! Stop feeding the gas companies!!! They're gonna be dead before this effects them so they don't care. Invest in alternative fuels and electric powered cars.

  4. I think you'll be old, like me, someday and you'll tell young people not to worry about the cwazy cwap some very silly people want you to believe.

  5. we arent going to die anytime from global warming, however it can have dire consequences in poorer low lying nations when and if the sea levels rise.

    10 years is the approximate time humanity has to reverse our trend of over exploiting resources and spewing CO2 into the atmosphere if we want future generations to live in as nice of a world as we do. Humanity will not die because of global warming, but we will end up worse off.

  6. truth is no one knows for sure...

    lots of people believe they have the right answer.. but no one can tell you beyond a reasonable doubt because mankind has lived on this ball of dirt and kept records for a VERY short period of time

    there is no sure right thing here.. so you have to look at what YOU believe and act accordingly.. then deal with the results as an adult.

  7. My guess is that, you have heard about global warming in school, watched about it on TV, read about it in some publications, and most likely have some idea on its authenticity.  I can say many things on it but this link describes it quite well:

    The hype over global warming is massive, and can be scary, but I think that you and I and everyone else have nothing to fear from man-made global warming. I do not think its happening.

  8. CO2 isn't warming anything....  385 parts per million equals about one 2500TH of our Atmosphere...  LIke I said before, that is like saying that a campfire can warm Lambeau field.  It is just ridiculous!

  9. GLOBAL WARMING is very real. No one can say whether you'll be alive or not, but all these disasters are 3 times bigger and more of them than normal. I have discovered a solution, but due to our government. their only serousness is running their mouths every 3 months, instead of doing something about it. in my link it shows a experiment of if we pursue it. it will lower our oceans, only all continents need to do this immediately.  If you choose, get your friends from schools, clubs, etc and form groups and get a salvage license so you can keep what treasures you find while extracting the sands of time that man has never touched. in India they discovered a old stone temple under the sand near their beach and at the same time your group will be stopping our oceans from engulfing our cities and continents and helping to delete global warming. just think about it as a summer project. HAVE A NICE DAY.

  10. -The planet is heating up at an unnatural pace. 2002-2006 (5 year period) was the hottest in the last century warmer than the same period from 1930-1934 (5 year period). Impacts of Global Warming will, and are deadly. The polar ice sheets are melting, causing a decrease in polar bears. The polar bears swim long distances to get to other ice caps, and to their food (penguins). As the ice keeps melting, the polar bears must swim larger and larger distances to each land sheet, and many drown.

    -It will not be as soon as ten years. Don't listen to your friend on that one. The effects will take many decades. You don't have to mark your calender for the end of human kind.

    -Some effects of Global Warming: Rising sea level, melting ice caps (already stated), arctic shrinkage, extreme weather events, extinction of speices... etc etc

    -I do believe Global Warming is going on (hopefully you got that before I had to say it). We all have to do our work to help this.
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