
Globawarming is it something you do to prevent or just live with it???

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your choice your either let other people do the work and not interfear or you help the earth




  1. Global warming is fake  (right now) but I do help prevent it so people in the future don't have to deal with it.

  2. Very good question indeed.If every one just thnk lyk dis the prob will definitely be eradicated. This is actually a burning issue for many yrs to come, as every prob has a solution. It also has one .But change has always been resisted.

        Particularly for global warming, every one shud take the responsibility as dis is the prob of everyones irrespective of one's national borders.Use of alternative sources of energy might solve the prob to an extent but again creates a new prob, i.e., the depletion of resources.

        Living vth it cn't be the sol coz dat itself increases d prob' i reckon tackling the prob vth a innovative mindset and sharing d reponsibilities by each and every one must solve the problem. Every country shud follow some programs and policies to resolve the prob.

  3. I truley believe Global warming is a natural cycle of the earth, there is alot of evidence that supports that argument, so I think the current issue of global warming is a political agenda more than it is a human interest story.

  4. Since the ice age, the earth has been warming.  I will still do my part by using less gas, using energy efficient appliances, not using plastic that clog landfills.  But I truly think this is part of a natural occurance.

  5. you just live with it ,quite a while from now when the weather starts to get colder all over the world, they will all start saying we have to stop the ice age coming,

      Have a look at and take note of the chart

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