
Globe blue spruce bush- almost 30 years old and too tall, can it be pruned and when is the best time to do it?

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Globe blue spruce bush- almost 30 years old and too tall, can it be pruned and when is the best time to do it?




  1. Blue spruces will lose a lot of moisture if you prune them too much. Your best bet would be late summer early fall when its not too hot. You should start feeding it now to lessen the stress. If any roots are exposed covering them with quality top soil now would help to lessen the stress and reduce evaporation of moisture from those roots.

    My brother and brother in law pruned a 30 year old Blue Spruce and it was in a sunny spot where there was a lot of erosion of soil around the roots. Within years many branches started to turn brown. I think it shocked the tree and it was a center piece on the front yard. I worked each year to deep feed  it with fertilizer and I even would water it with a hose. This slowed down the dying branches but I don't think the tree ever fully recovered 10 years later.

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