
Globe merming :Did YOU! hear about the Glacier the Size of Montreal?

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0 LIKES UnLike about it!Mr Gore IS100%on the money!




  1. Actually, Gore had nothing to do with these kind of predictions.  He merely repeated the information from intelligent climate scientists.

    However, this is actually evidence that climate scientists have generally been overly cautious.  As this collapse seems to be coming years before expected.

  2. No, he isn't.

    The ice at Antarctica has been slowly gaining ice mass since measurements began in 1979.

    It's summer in the southern hemisphere.  Why would you expect that no ice break off?  This is natural, and has occurred almost every year.  What's the big deal?

  3. Gore is merely describing a process that has been going on since the last great Ice Age ended 10,000 years ago.  Since then, the glaciers have melted back by 2,000 miles, the oceans have risen hundreds of feet and we now have millions of acres of green, living land that were once crushed under deadly ice.

    We are much better off now than we were before the warming cycle.

    Yet Gore wants us to be afraid of it?  GET REAL.

    Just think - Alaska was once tropical and Antarctica once had forests - before the deadly ice crushed the heck out of them.  Won't it be wonderful when they too are green again?

  4. A few observations.

        * Global temperatures have been flat for 8-10 years, after being up substantially the decade previously.

        * Recent ocean measurement work as reported on NPR show ocean temps. over last 5-6 years to be flat to slightly down

        * 98% of Antarctica has cooled over the last decades and has built up ice pack -- 2% has warmed (in the Antarctic Peninsula). I will leave it to the reader to guess where Al Gore sent his cameras

        * In August 2007, or about a half year ago, sea ice extent around Antarctica was the largest ever recorded (since measured by satellites in 1979). So, within the last 6-8 months, Antarctica had record sea ice buildup.

    Given this backdrop, it is astounding that one could interpret the collapse of an ice sheet that happened faster than one scientist predicted as "accelerating global warming." I can't think of any mechanism where the behavior of an ice shelf would be a more sensitive measure of the pace of global temperature change than would be the direct measurement of air and sea temperatures themselves.

  5. Pretty crazy! I heard we are at the end of global warming and we are about to start a new ice age. I guess the ice age comes so fast it freezes animals standing! They found an ancient apple tree frozen in Russia w/ apples on it!!! The ice will be over 1 mile thick!

  6. If you read the same article I did, then it mentions that ice level on the peninsula haven't been this low in several hundred years, but also states that it is proof of global warming. That makes it a bit contradictory don't you think? If it has happened before and more recently than 1000 years ago, does that not make it a natural although unusual event. It sounds more like a localized phenomenon and proves global warming no more than a cold winter in the mid west disproves it.

  7. I predict a global ice age in the next 10000 years... can we give it up already? this is NORMAL, humans are not the problem on global warming, and Al is scamming everyone

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