
Glow Bracelet Chemicals came out when it broke on carpet---now carpet is glowing! How do I clean it up?

by  |  earlier

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I have rubbed a wet cloth over it and it didn't do anything.

Don't want to add any more chemicals to clean it, right!?

Will it hurt anyone to walk barefoot over it after it quits glowing?

Will it hurt the carpet?




  1. Not a problem for you or the carpet, vacuum it up and call it good.

  2. It will fade and stop glowing eventually, but it may stain a little bit. I've spilt that on my clothes before and depending on the material it either completely comes off or forms a stain. Try a little soap and water, that will help.

  3. Do you have the package of the glow bracelet?  It may have a phone number you can call to ask someone more knowledgable about spills.  By your description, I take it the chemicals are powders.  My guess it is not dangerous to walk over (although for safety sake, the carpet area can be cordoned off.   I would suggest that you vacuum clean the area, perhaps with a mini-vac or something like that, and dump the vacuumed debris in a bag before placing in the trash.

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