
Glow stick juice all over me?

by Guest58217  |  earlier

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tonight there was a rally for cancer at the high school that i went to with my friends. we opened like 3 glow sticks and shook it all over each others hair, cheeks, legs, feet, and arms. there was a LOT on me. is the stuff in glow sticks poisenous? will i be poisoned or something? it didnt get in my mouth, ears, eyes or nose but my sister said it was highly poisenous and now im fretting.




  1. i dont think its thaaaat poisonous but it might irritate the skin a bit. lucky you didnt get it in your eyes otherwise you'd have to call a doctor.

  2. You should be fine, worst that happened to me at a party when I ended up ingesting this stuff was I was coughing up some blood for the next 2 days. All better now.

  3. Nah chill. Unless you ingested it, you'll be fine.

  4. OMG i did that in a cabin filled with 12 girls (3 in my room) and we didn't go to bed untill hella late and i was messing with it and it broke and it got all over me and my softball coaches came in and they started laughing at me cuz i was glowing lol. Dont worry if i goes in your body then it is poisonous, if you get it in your eyes then it stings really really really bad!

  5. i have never got sick from it.   when you bend the stick in half and it glows, you break a glass tube inside and the chemicals react.  the only thing you want to wory about is the broken glass.

  6. yea the stuff inside is poisonous but if you didn't get it in your body or anything you should be ok. if you have cuts or anything and the stuff could have gotten in, i would go see a doctor

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