
Glowing in the back of my Dryer?

by  |  earlier

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I was going to put a wet towel in my dryer last night and when I turned it on "normal" heat it was making a weird noise I'd never heard before. I opened it up to see what the matter was and I noticed a blue light inside the dryer and the back was glowing orange? I left the door open to watch the glowing and make sure nothing caught on fire and it went out then came back on like a min. later. I unplugged the dryer last night.

Does anyone know what this means or what could be wrong?




  1. Is your dryer a gas or electric?  Sounds like you're seeing a blue pilot light and the glow is the heat of the dryer.  

    Please call a repair person to check it out so that you don't burn your house down.

  2. The orange glow is the heating element in your dryer.  Your dryer could be getting too hot.  I would have a repair man come look at it. Might consider buying a new dryer if your dryer is more than 7 years old.

  3. get arepairman or a new dryer. Keep it unplugged,,better yet just cut the cord off and buy new.

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