
Glucose test results....?

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i'm totally bummed, I got my glucose test results back and I failed the first 1 hour test. I have to go back and have the 3 hour test to see if I have gestational diabetes. I'm really upset because I am not overweight at all. Have worked out (cardio and wts and sports) for the past 10+ years (I'm 28), I ate healthy before I was pregnant and now. I'm 28.5 weeks.

My iron was also low, so I have to take an additional supplement.

I HOPE the long test comes back negative and everything is fine.

I also feel guilty because the past few weeks I have not been an angel about taking my multivitamin. I have missed a few days because it started to gross me out.

Anyone else have these results...?




  1. I just wanted to clarify - it's not that people get false positives, it's that the two tests measure different things.  

    The first test is to see if your blood sugar spikes if you have a massive dose of glucose.  This is to weed out the women whose blood sugar doesn't budge at all - you know, that friend you have who eats nothing but candy bars and ice cream throughout her pregnancy and she's just fine.

    The second test is to see if your blood sugars STAY at that high level for three hours.  It's the sustained high blood sugars that will make a difference to the baby, and if you can spike but drop quickly, you do not have gestational diabetes.

    You now know your sugar spikes from a large dose of sugar or carbohydrates, but it's also common to have them come right back down.  Good luck with the 3-hour test!

  2. There are other criteria besides being overweight.  Some times the 1 hour test comes back high, and the 3 hour isn't.  I know that family history is a criteria for GD.  It can usually be controlled with diet and exercise.  

  3. i believe the statistics say that 75% of the people who fail the 1 hour screener go on to pass the 3 hour test.  I was one of those people.... I know they don't say to fast before the screener, but a lot of things you may have eaten or drank before the test could've leaned your result over the threshold.  Try not to worry.  just make sure you fast for 12 hours before the 3 hour test.

    FYI - you don't have to be overweight to have GD.

  4. About the prenatal vitamins, because you have low iron which causes anemia, you should really take them with an extra iron suppliment.  The baby is getting what it needs from you, leaving little to next to nothing for yourself.

    If they make you feel sick, try taking them with juice before you go to bed.

  5. I feel your pain. I just found out today that I failed the 1 hour test as well (I was at 150), AND I'm low on iron (33.6). I eat well and exercise every day. In fact, I eat much less sugar items now that I am pregnant, and at 24 weeks, I've only gained about 3 pounds! So, I am pretty bummed as well, especially since I really hope to have a natural birth with little/no interventions, and what I am reading about this pending diagnosis seems to show that I would have to fight an uphill battle with fetal monitering, early labor induction, and possible caesarian with a 'high risk' label put on me. Even though I feel better than I have ever in my life!

    Good luck to you on your 3 hour test, I have mine tomorrow and hope that this all turns out to be nothing as well. I understand your frustration as someone who also takes their health seriously.

    BTW - I used to take this fabulous iron supplement that I will begin again now. It's called Floradix Formula by Salus and can be found at most health food stores. It's a yummy tasting juice that is highly absorbable and does not cause constipation or iron overload. HIGHLY recommended by every woman that has used it!

  6. With my first pregnancy i ate lots of veggies and failed my 1 hr but I passed my 3 hr. With my second pregnancy i was craving sweets and failed 1 hr and 3 hr both.  This time around I passed my 1 hr.  

  7. From what I've read many, many, many women get a false reading on their 1 hour glucose screening.   I failed mine and had to go back for the 3 hour, which came back perfectly normal.  It's not fun by any means, but it was a relief to get the results.  Good luck!

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